Sunday, April 5, 2009

4/5 Update

No baby yet. I woke up yesterday morning (I will be somewhat graphic here) and lost what I believe is part of my mucus plug. The main mucus plug is a bit larger, and usually tinged with blood... I told you I'm being graphic, but this was not. It was also not anything "normal" either. I am hoping that this is the start of SOMETHING. Nathan's sister, Meryl took the kids yesterday and let them have a sleepover last night, and Nathan had to work most of the day, so it was just Brody and I for the most part. I had contractions every 15-20 minutes for about 13 hours yesterday, and even briefly thought they may get closer together, but alas they did not and they stopped later last night. They were just braxton hicks after all. I did not take the tylenol with codine last night because I was concerned it could effect the baby if I did go into labor. I did not sleep last night at all. My back was worse than ever.
I did get to go out with my mom yesterday and pick up a few spring things for Brody and a new pair of sneakers for him. Today is one of the only rain free days predicted for the week so i am taking full advantage and walking the lake in a few minutes and then headed to my mom's house for cake and ice cream for her birthday and taking another walk around her neighborhood afterwards. Hopefully all of that will encourage Keira to move down a bit more and give her the hint that her time in utero is up. I have an ultrasound and doctor appointment back to back tomorrow afternoon and will make sure I update afterwards... unless of course all this walking today does something! (I can only hope right?)

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