Thursday, April 30, 2009


Brody is going to an orthopedic dr to check out his arm. My poor baby :(

Like I Said...

If it isn't one thing, it's another. Last night I had Keira asleep, and after dinner Nathan had the boys outside helping him, so I took the opportunity to have some Brody time while cleaning up. He was in a great mood and was dancing, so I started dancing with him. I was kind of hunched over and we were holding hands, moving side to side. I wasn't carrying him or pulling him or anything, but he went from cracking up to screaming in pain. He wouldn't move one arm and eventually fell asleep from the pain, but if we tried to touch that arm in his sleep, he would cry. I immediately thought of my nephew because he had gotten a nursemaid's elbow a couple of times. I called his mom and asked her what the symptoms were and figured that is what it was and I took him in to the hospital. Now on a side note, when you arrive at the emergency room, the last thing you want to see is a woman and two children clearly of Hispanic decent with masks on and ill. We found the one spot in the waiting room not occupied and I wiped everything down and kept wipes next to me and the minute Brody touched something, I would wipe his hands.
Anyway, they treated him for a nursemaid's elbow and we waited until he tried using his arm, then they sent us home. As of today, he is still not using it much and I have called his doctor and let them know. We will probably head back in to be seen by his doctor today and make sure that was what the problem is, or was.
My doctor's appointment went well today. My blood work came back great, other than being slightly anemic. They did an EKG and that looked great, so we didn't do the 24 hour heart monitor. Only if something changes or gets worse will I have to do that. What a HUGE relief!!!
I will keep you posted on my poor little guy, Brody.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Slowly Going Insane

I guess if you are going to lose your mind, you might as well be aware of it! Today I showed up at my doctor's office all ready for my appointment. It would have been nice if I had actually HAD an appointment today! Although I knew in my head it was Wednesday because I was aware (thank GOD!) that Ty got out of school early and I had to rush to get Nate from school as soon as Ty got off the bus, for some reason, other than that one fact, my brain otherwise believed it was Thursday. This makes me grateful as well that the receptionist knows me and my children well enough to fully understand my mental lapse. At least I was prepared a whole day early.
I took the kids, along with my friend and her daughter to Breakheart Reservation's beach yesterday and burnt my shoulders. My friend was my savior, because she was able to chase after Brody, unlike me, who can barely walk because of my tailbone at this point. (It has gotten much worse over the last few days.) I came home and rushed Ty to baseball practice, sat in the car with the kids at practice until Nathan came and relieved me, came home got dinner ready. Things were actually calming down until bathtime when Brody pooped in the bath. Haven't I always said my life revolves around poop?
Is it also bad to admit that these 6 weeks after having a baby are a HUGE vacation for me? I know I'm all over the place here, but man oh man, not having to worry about adding sex to my daily to do list is just fantastic! (Sorry Nathan!) It's funny that the reason I had the baby in the first place is the last thing from my exhausted mind now.
OK well since I am on a brain dead kick of admitting things, I also had to run around my car and pee in the woods because I knew the run across my yard and up my stairs to the bathroom was an impossible task right now. Yup. I would have without a doubt peed my pants, so I was very grateful for my woods, and my van blocking the street view so I could pee there. Gross, yes, but also necessary. Those muscles just haven't healed well enough yet for me to hold it!
I made a Wal-Mart trip with all of the kids (Keira in her sling, Brody in the carriage, Nate and Ty holding on to the carriage) and had five old women say "God Bless You" to me. In line I also had a woman give me a coupon for a massage and told me that someone should be giving me that for mother's day because I "really deserved that."
I wanted to tell her that I was much more worried about my oldest's birthday party the day before mother's day and I would probably be too exhausted to do anything but hold my eyes open and sleep walk through the day.
I need to also apologize for not getting thank you cards out yet. I have had them written and ready to go, but never made it to the post office, so Friday I finally ordered stamps online, and still have not received them yet. I'm not being rude, I am just waiting on stamps and will get them out, along with Keira's birth announcements asap! So as a general thank you to those who helped me and made meals or gave Keira gifts, you have made things so much easier for me, and Keira is incredibly lucky to have so many people care about her so much already!

Monday, April 27, 2009

My Dr Appointment

I had my appointment today to check everything out. I had an ultrasound, and that looked good. No "parts" remaining from being pregnant. My dr said my uterus was actually almost back to it's normal size (I wish my body would reflect that) but that is good news. My other bit of good news is that I lost a little over 20 lbs since I had Keira, (again I wish my body reflected that) but that means just a bit more and I'll be back to pre-Keira weight. Hopefully that will jump start being back to pre every baby weight!
I have to go back to the dr this week and get a heart monitor put on for 24 hours. This is just a precaution because I have been having some heart palpitations. I also had blood work taken to check for anemia.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Done Deal

I have decided I am going to document a day. I think tomorrow I'll attempt it. I will do an hour by hour check in. My kids will appreciate the things they put me through later on.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I got no sleep last night, boo for that, BUT had a GREAT afternoon, visiting with a friend and then I got a call saying a slot opened up and Nate can start preschool TUESDAY!!! I will be down to my two babies FIVE days a week for FOUR hours each day!!! I can go for walks with just the two of them, or SLEEP if they let me, or spend time with just Brody while Keira sleeps, whatever it is OH. MY. GOODNESS. that is amazing news!!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

More Ramblings

Bravo to you if you are keeping up with my mushed together nonsense entries lately. They are streaming from my mind directly to the keyboard, mainly because I have no brain power left to make them come across in any kind of fluid manner.
After three phone calls to annoy the receptionists and an ENTIRE day waiting, at 430pm yesterday I finally got a call back saying Keira's test results were normal!!! WOO HOO! That is the greatest relief I could have ever felt.
Yesterday was a GREAT day. I got Keira and Brody to sleep at the same time, I took a shower, (for only the third time since I've been home from the hospital... yes, that's right. Don't judge unless you have lived in my shoes the past week) I cleaned the house, I packed Ty's suitcase, I made dinner, AND Keira only woke up ONCE at 330am before waking up at 645 when we all (minus Nate) got up.
Today Nathan's mom, Sharon and Meryl are taking the boys to the circus and I am under strict orders from my doctor to stay off my feet. Although I haven't gone into this via the blog, and it may be too much information for some (you "some" can stop reading now, because It's one of the last things I'm writing,) I had virtually stopped or significantly slowed down bleeding when I left the hospital, but have been bleeding a lot since I have come home. I am getting daily calls from nurses at my doctor's office who have been marking down my schedule and following up and asking me a million and two questions, and if today, when the boys are gone and I am resting, still am bleeding during that time frame, I will have to head back to the doctor tomorrow and get checked out. They understand there isn't really much of an option for me during the day, but still need to be cautious.
I am going to try and do mother's day gifts with the boys next week and am open to any low cost suggestions! I am also busy trying to plan something fun for Ty's family party, since I am cancelling the idea of a friend party this year. (Please forgive me Ty... I will make it up to you.)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Week One Is Done

I am alive. I made it through a week plus two days of being home. Hallelujah!!!
Today Nate stabbed Brody in the leg with his fork (it was a kids' plastic one, don't worry) because Brody had climbed on the table to hover by Nate's breakfast once he was done with his own.
The longest Keira has slept at night is three hours... one night.
Ty's Nana is flying in tomorrow and he will be staying with her for 5 days. I will miss him.
Brody is talking more and more every day, even if it is in words only a parent can understand.
It is supposed to be 80 on Saturday and I am determined to figure out a way to manage all of the kids at the park since the warm weather has finally arrived.
This is my last week of post baby "rest" before I start heading to the gym at night. (Again, please no warnings.. I'll be taking it easy.) I am looking forward to getting out and working off stress. "Looking forward to" is a severe understatement.
I have yet to plan Ty's bday party and am wondering if I'm a bad mom if I skip a "friend" party for this year. I feel guilty for even considering this. I also wonder if bribing him with Red Sox tickets can make him happy enough that he won't care.
I received a new double breast pump in the mail today, at no cost via my insurance, and it was a great early birthday present. I need to start pumping so I can bring bottles to baseball games, etc. because Ty would be mortified if I nursed Keira in public, even if I would be covered up.
Keira is looking less newborn-alien-like every day. Her hair is thinning a bit and getting lighter and lighter.
My tailbone is on fire constantly and I wonder if it will ever be the same again.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Day 8

I tried to get Brody and Keira to take a nap at the same time. They both screamed for an hour, then slept for only 45 minutes. It was 45 minutes of bliss.
I ran my first errand. It was torture.
After running that errand I came home, got out my *Hotslings* sling, that Brody was too big to fit into in a cradle position as an infant. Keira fit, she instantly fell asleep in it. I was made happy yet again.
I took the kids outside and let them play. Brody scraped both knees for the first time. He's a trooper. He is also covered from head to toe in dirt and I'm not even attempting to clean him until after dinner.
Nate and I planted our "butterfly garden", and I've explained about 50 times today that it does not grow butterflies, just plants that butterflies like to land on. I hope it actually grows.
Nathan came home and took over playing with the boys (and helping Ty get ready for his first baseball practice tomorrow afternoon.) I sat and relaxed and watched.
When Keira woke up I picked her up and was bouncing her up and down on my chest, playing with her, and she pooped, and it somehow sprayed out to the side and all over me. My shirt was sprayed with lots of baby poop.
I then decided it was time for me to come inside.
I am so looking forward to sleep.
Once again, to those that have dropped of meals and helped out with the kids in the evening... THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU... I hope I can repay you for all of your kindness and help. You have literally saved me this first week. I am beyond grateful.

Black and Whites

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Keira was 7lbs 5oz at her dr appt, so she gained weight (yay!)
She had to get her umbilical cord cauterized at the office because there was still a good amount under what we could see, so hopefully it will be gone soon. She gave blood to be retested for her newborn screening test, and I will have the results by Tuesday at the latest. Fingers crossed please!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Adding to Lack of Sleep

I just got a call from Keira's doctor. Her newborn screening test came back and she was really low in her immune system. Her doctor said she may not have had enough blood when they took it, or it could be a fluke, but the first step is retesting her. It will take about a week to get the results back. Until then I will be worried sick, and will request that anyone who has had any sort of cold or illness at all in the past month STAY AWAY. It may sound harsh, but I am going to be worried sick about this now. The particular test she didn't pass was for her ability to produce antibodies to fight infection. She has a doctor appointment tomorrow morning at 10 and I will make sure and update everyone when I know anything.

Day 5 1/2

~Poop. My life revolves around poop.
~I am so grateful for understanding, generous friends. THANK YOU.
~Adult interaction, even if it consists of talking about babies and kids, is a relief.
~Despite feeling more awake today than any other thus far, I am now at 3pm, ready for bed. Can someone please explain this to the sun and moon, and my kids?
~I want to enjoy the sun.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day 4 1/2

I have made it to Day 4 1/2. Let's all take a moment to pause and reflect on what a miracle that is. Here are a few thoughts at the moment:
*I officially look like I got a boob job overnight. Ding, ding, ding Keira! Your food is ready!
*I decided yesterday that one of my children will probably lose an eye or limb in the next 5 years.
*Having 4 kids is a million times harder than 3.
*I am jealous of anyone with just one baby at home.
*I never want to hear another person tell me they are tired. I'm not saying you aren't tired, but I will just be bitter towards you because I think tired is a sever understatement in my case.
*I have had 7 hours of sleep in the past 4 1/2 days. This includes naps. I think it is possible for me to sleep with my eyes open at this point, and may be doing that now.
*I am not too proud to take hand outs. Anything you want to do to take away something I would have had to do is welcome. Go shopping for me. Bring me food. Take my boys. Clean my house. I will not refuse it. In fact I may love you forever, and will surely not forget it.
*Baseball season starts for Ty on Saturday. OH. MY. GOD. How is that going to work?
*Bribery is everything.
*I see, touch, clean, smell poop or find it on me way too much in one day.
*On that note, at any given moment I have at least 5 bodily fluids, none of which are mine (ok, well as of today milk is mine) on my shirt. Oh look mommy put a new shirt on!!! Let's throw up/wipe our nose/ throw food/spit up/spit on/wipe mysterious substances on her!
*I am considering just doing a video blog because I can't seem to spell any word correctly because I am too tired to see the keyboard. Even spell check can't figure out what I was attempting to write at times.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Welcome to the World Keira

Here are some of the pics from the hospital to coming home. If I look extra puffy it is because I swelled beyond belief from all the fluids I was pumped with. My feet were unrecognizable.
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