Thursday, April 30, 2009

Like I Said...

If it isn't one thing, it's another. Last night I had Keira asleep, and after dinner Nathan had the boys outside helping him, so I took the opportunity to have some Brody time while cleaning up. He was in a great mood and was dancing, so I started dancing with him. I was kind of hunched over and we were holding hands, moving side to side. I wasn't carrying him or pulling him or anything, but he went from cracking up to screaming in pain. He wouldn't move one arm and eventually fell asleep from the pain, but if we tried to touch that arm in his sleep, he would cry. I immediately thought of my nephew because he had gotten a nursemaid's elbow a couple of times. I called his mom and asked her what the symptoms were and figured that is what it was and I took him in to the hospital. Now on a side note, when you arrive at the emergency room, the last thing you want to see is a woman and two children clearly of Hispanic decent with masks on and ill. We found the one spot in the waiting room not occupied and I wiped everything down and kept wipes next to me and the minute Brody touched something, I would wipe his hands.
Anyway, they treated him for a nursemaid's elbow and we waited until he tried using his arm, then they sent us home. As of today, he is still not using it much and I have called his doctor and let them know. We will probably head back in to be seen by his doctor today and make sure that was what the problem is, or was.
My doctor's appointment went well today. My blood work came back great, other than being slightly anemic. They did an EKG and that looked great, so we didn't do the 24 hour heart monitor. Only if something changes or gets worse will I have to do that. What a HUGE relief!!!
I will keep you posted on my poor little guy, Brody.

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