Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Slowly Going Insane

I guess if you are going to lose your mind, you might as well be aware of it! Today I showed up at my doctor's office all ready for my appointment. It would have been nice if I had actually HAD an appointment today! Although I knew in my head it was Wednesday because I was aware (thank GOD!) that Ty got out of school early and I had to rush to get Nate from school as soon as Ty got off the bus, for some reason, other than that one fact, my brain otherwise believed it was Thursday. This makes me grateful as well that the receptionist knows me and my children well enough to fully understand my mental lapse. At least I was prepared a whole day early.
I took the kids, along with my friend and her daughter to Breakheart Reservation's beach yesterday and burnt my shoulders. My friend was my savior, because she was able to chase after Brody, unlike me, who can barely walk because of my tailbone at this point. (It has gotten much worse over the last few days.) I came home and rushed Ty to baseball practice, sat in the car with the kids at practice until Nathan came and relieved me, came home got dinner ready. Things were actually calming down until bathtime when Brody pooped in the bath. Haven't I always said my life revolves around poop?
Is it also bad to admit that these 6 weeks after having a baby are a HUGE vacation for me? I know I'm all over the place here, but man oh man, not having to worry about adding sex to my daily to do list is just fantastic! (Sorry Nathan!) It's funny that the reason I had the baby in the first place is the last thing from my exhausted mind now.
OK well since I am on a brain dead kick of admitting things, I also had to run around my car and pee in the woods because I knew the run across my yard and up my stairs to the bathroom was an impossible task right now. Yup. I would have without a doubt peed my pants, so I was very grateful for my woods, and my van blocking the street view so I could pee there. Gross, yes, but also necessary. Those muscles just haven't healed well enough yet for me to hold it!
I made a Wal-Mart trip with all of the kids (Keira in her sling, Brody in the carriage, Nate and Ty holding on to the carriage) and had five old women say "God Bless You" to me. In line I also had a woman give me a coupon for a massage and told me that someone should be giving me that for mother's day because I "really deserved that."
I wanted to tell her that I was much more worried about my oldest's birthday party the day before mother's day and I would probably be too exhausted to do anything but hold my eyes open and sleep walk through the day.
I need to also apologize for not getting thank you cards out yet. I have had them written and ready to go, but never made it to the post office, so Friday I finally ordered stamps online, and still have not received them yet. I'm not being rude, I am just waiting on stamps and will get them out, along with Keira's birth announcements asap! So as a general thank you to those who helped me and made meals or gave Keira gifts, you have made things so much easier for me, and Keira is incredibly lucky to have so many people care about her so much already!

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