Saturday, January 31, 2009

I'm Up.

"People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one."
Leo J. Burke

Let me start by saying, I had a great time last night. It is always a release to be with close friends and catch up. We did a potluck dinner and then played the game that Nathan's brother gave us for Christmas, Smart Ass. Speaking for myself, I LOVED the game. I'm pretty sure we all did. Even Nathan, who is so competitive it is absurd. If he isn't winning, he's a big baby about it, but he eventually calmed down. I would highly recommend the game. Thank you to those that came over, you made the night great!
After everyone left (it was still a fairly early night) I got everything cleaned up and put away. I had a little bit of a hard time falling asleep. Brody, the loving child that he is, decided to wake up at 530 this morning, and even though I tried to get him to go back to sleep, he just cried, and since Nathan has to work early this morning, I (bitterly) got up in the dark to start my day. I have EVERY intention of taking a nap today, keep your fingers crossed for my sake that it can happen.
I have house work to do today, and entertaining three boys. We all have a busy day tomorrow.
I am praying for survival at this moment though. Even as I type, I think I'm seeing double. I'm tired.
31 weeks.. I am not cutting my face off in this last one... you can see the pure exhaustion. I am hoping one day to look back on this and laugh. Hoping.

Friday, January 30, 2009

"A person soon learns how little he knows when a child begins to ask questions."
Richard L. Evans

My day was pretty uneventful yesterday, since my last post. I did get to take a nap. (Thank God!) Brody slept for EXACTLY 2 hours... to the minute. If you are wondering how I have been able to take these glorious afternoon naps, uninterrupted (for the most past), it is because Nathan has been working from 2 or 3pm until around 8pm. It works out well, because my mornings have been a whole heck of a lot easier, and I have the chance to nap with Brody if I want, and get up refreshed for part two of my day. By the time he gets home Brody is asleep, and the older boys are on their way to bed, and he and I can have a little bit of time together to relax before bed.
I didn't sleep all too well last night. The non-pregnant me likes to sleep on my stomach. Clearly this can not happen right now, and my second choice is on my back, again this can not happen right now. When I sleep on my side, on one time for too long, my hip hurts. This only happens at the end or close to the end of the pregnancy, but it is still really uncomfortable. That was bothering me last night, and heartburn, which as I have previously stated I never get normally. Nate is the only other baby I had it with. I'm thinking (and not so secretly hoping) that this means she will have hair. Nate had the most hair, and his grew pretty quickly, Ty only had a little landing strip of hair at the top of his head, and Brody, well he still barely has any.
Since I was pregnant with Ty, and through all of the other pregnancies, I have had dreams (not day dreams, but actual dreams) of having a girl, and in every single one she looks exactly the same. I never have dreams of her as a baby, usually they start when she is around 2. Regardless, in every dream she has the same bleach blond hair as the boys, and she has lots of curls. This is obviously a pretty good possibility. Ty had curly hair until I cut it, Nate still does have curly hair, and what little hair Brody has, curls. Nathan's is curly when long, and mine is very wavy. We'll see. I have just prayed that she has more hair than Brody. Let's be honest here, after three boys, what fun is it to have a girl when I can't do her hair???? (Yes, I'm joking, and I know this is a superficial comment, and I do not ACTUALLY care either way.) I didn't really start growing hair until I was two. Brody takes after me.
We are having a mini potluck dinner tonight with a few close friends. I am cherishing any time I can spend with adults. Besides the baby coming, April starts baseball and soccer, and back to essentially living via my kids' schedules. We have the month of July off only before football and travel soccer begin. My time with friends is greatly enjoyed and fully appreciated.
I'm going to end this entry now because I am having some pretty bad braxton hicks contractions and should be getting ready to run some errands. No nap today.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

A New Start

"Insanity is hereditary - you get it from your kids."
Sam Levenson

This morning I had my dr appointment. It has been, as I have stated before, 6 weeks since my last appointment. I had to take the dreaded glucose test. For those who have never had to take one, you drink what I can only describe as an orange soda-type drink, but it would be orange soda mixed with an additional ten cups of sugar. It is so sweet it is bitter. After taking them each pregnancy, I have learned to chug it as fast as I possibly can to get it over with. I still feel nauseous from it.
I had my biggest weight gain from my last appointment to this one. I gained 8 lbs!!! (Remember this is in 6 weeks.) It brought my weight gain total to 14lbs, so all in all, it wasn't too bad. I tend to gain all of my weight during this time period, but slow down again drastically by 8 months. I'm measuring right where I should be. The baby's head, she believes is up right now, but they don't get too concerned about that until the 34 week mark. Babies can still move around until then, and if she is stubborn and does not, there are some methods to try and move her. Her Heartbeat was just over 150, and everything looks great!
My next appointment is in 2 weeks for the start of my EIGHTH MONTH.
Brody was again, up before the sun. I am getting used to just rolling myself out of bed and getting up when I hear him. It doesn't take so long for me to adjust anymore. If my body can calm down enough from the sugar high I will hopefully get to take a sugar induced coma-style nap with Brody in a half hour or so.
I sent Ty out this morning all ready to go at 8, (he waits on the porch, I didn't send him out in the cold), and when the bus still hadn't come 10 minutes later I realized I didn't even think to look if they had a school delay. Of course they did. I felt horrible and apologized to Ty for the next 10 minutes before I left all three boys at home with Nathan to go to my appointment. Nathan survived. He is rarely, and I mean VERY rarely at home with all three boys awake. I am grateful for the alone time at the doctors though.
Nate told Nathan and I that he hated us last night because he had to go to bed. His new thing is crying at bedtime every night. It's lots of fun. He's a night owl, and likes to sleep in every day. I can very easily see what I will be dealing with as he gets older. But I am sadly getting used to being hated every night by him. The other usual sayings thrown out there are
"I don't like this house anymore."
"I'm going to pack my stuff and live in the woods."
"This is my worst day ever."
"I wish I had a new family."
"No one here loves me because you make me go to sleep."
Yes they are horribly sad to read when written out like this, but within three minutes of a meltdown he is hugging us and telling us we are the best mommy and daddy in the whole world. We have come to just explain how those are not nice things, and they tell us how tired he is, and we know he doesn't mean them, and if they continue, he will have to lose a privilege. We by no means let him get away with saying them, but also know it's not out of anger.
All part of the joys of parenthood!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cabin Fever

That's it. I have cabin fever. Nate's storytime was cancelled today. I was issuing time-outs by 845 this morning, and was up at 615 with Brody. I have reread my blog entry from yesterday about ten times today to try and make me happy that I had such a good day yesterday.
I knew my luck had run out when last night I had (for the first time since I was at the end of my pregnancy with Nate) horrid heartburn. This has also continued into today.
I tried folding all of the laundry that has piled up the past three days (I am very particular in the way I fold clothes because I separate everything into piles of the drawers they will end up in... the older boys put them all away) and Brody climbed onto my bed and destroyed all of those piles. I refolded them... twice.
Can I please just take a break to say that doing dishes and folding clothes are the two worst chores in the world? Maybe it is because I run the dishwasher on average two times a day, so I never feel like I have a break, and easily do two loads of laundry a day, again, so I never feel caught up and like I get a break from it. Sweeping floors, washing floors? Cleaning walls, counters, organizing things? Those are non issues, and I can actually get satisfaction from doing them. Dishes and Laundry (not the act of putting things in the washer/dryer, but folding them and putting them away) those are my downfalls.
I am resentful of the snow and cold right now because I would love to go for a nice long walk.
Brody has decided that kissing me should really be attempting to bite my lip, and I mean bite down hard. I am scared when he tries to kiss me. Genuinely scared. he on the other hand giggles and squeals with laughter.
Last night Nate decorated Brody's hair with about 15 bright green stickers. Thankfully he didn't push down hard with the stickers so they were semi easy to get out. Brody looked like he was a love child from the club-kid days. I think James St. James would have been proud.
I am really tired right now and wanted to get in a quick entry. That's it.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thus Far Today

Well let me start by saying... I got sleep! Yes! It's true!!! Nathan was so tired form working such a long day yesterday that we watched 24 (I will add more about this show in a minute) and we went to bed. I slept straight from 1030 to 710. It was a much needed miracle. I woke up this morning to an empty bed. Nathan had woken up bright and early and went out and got munchkins and hot chocolate for the kids and was already back by the time I got up. This in itself was shocking. I accomplished a lot of housework early this morning because I wasn't dragging my feet and rebelling against it all. I even, are you ready for this one, got to take a shower this morning! I'm telling you, shocking beyond all belief.
I got Brody ready and Nathan got Nate ready and I took the boys to Brody's storytime. I then had to rush out and go to Newton for an audition. This was for Hasbro's book. Every six months Hasbro holds an "audition" and they compile a book with all the kids' pictures and they use that book to cast any projects they have for the next six months. It is great because it saves us from going to ten different auditions in the next six months. When we were walking in a woman passing us said "Good luck, it's a mad house in there." I expected to be there for at least an hour when she said that, but when we walked in, they took us right away. We must have just missed a huge rush of people. I should probably play the lottery or buy scratch tickets today. I feel THAT lucky.
OK, maybe not THAT lucky. I just had to take a break from writing because Brody somehow got into a locked cabinet and pulled out cereal and dumped the whole box on the floor then dove into the spilled cereal and tried swimming in it. Not fun to clean up. But to put this in perspective, even that didn't even make me the least bit upset.
I am now in for the day, and have lots more to do. We will be getting another foot of snow dumped on us tomorrow. I can not stand the thought of being in the house with all the kids if it is even a little messy, so I need to make sure everything is spotless and organized today. My hopes are to take the boys sledding tomorrow, but at the very least I know we will be outside playing in it for a while. Nate has his storytime tomorrow and I'm banking on Nathan taking him so I won't have to bring all three of them to the library. (I'm saying all three because I am assuming Ty will not have school. He would have had a half day anyway, so I doubt they will make them come in.) I have my dr appointment on Thursday morning and will have my glucose test then also. I don't know how exactly this happened, but it has been 6 weeks since my last appointment. Six more weeks and they'll be checking to see if I'm dilated at all, and if the answer is yes to that, then we'll be headed in to the hospital the next time my doctor is on call. It is pretty overwhelming to think that Keira could be here at the very earliest 6 1/2 weeks. Yikes! If you noticed, yes I said Keira. It is official.
24. The show. I have watched it since Jack was first born in t.v. land. I am a faithful follower of the show. I still believe President Palmer was the best. I love Chloe, Tony, and Bill. I do miss Kim, and a few others that have been killed or otherwise throughout the seasons. I believe the past two seasons have been not up to the par that the previous years have been, but my Jack is BACK. So far this season has had all of the excitement and edge of your seat antics that first drew me in, and I could not be happier. We DVR all of our favorite shows and watch them at least a half hour after they started so we can fast forward through commercials (I know, it's sad, but we HATE commercials) and I swear it feels like we've only been watching ten minutes before that all to familiar clock starts ticking down the end of the hour. I enjoy talking about this show so much, and love anticipating who is going down and what is going to happen. I am a 24 junkie.

Monday, January 26, 2009

A few random pictures

Brody decided to take off his clothes and diaper , but leave his socks on... Some brotherly love from Nate... Nate got a haircut!
7 1/2 months along...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Quickie

Hello all
It has been a pretty laid back weekend for us. Brody has decided he likes to wake up with the sun (this is a new development) so that has been lots of fun for me. Thankfully Nathan was home for a good amount of the day Saturday so I got a chance to nap with him, and my mom took Ty and Nate bowling and to her house for a while Sunday, so again I napped with Brody. I think he enjoys when I nap with him just as much as I enjoy the break. He gets so excited when I bring him in my bed and he cuddles up with me. Usually I can get a good, solid two hour nap. Sunday it was three hours... in other words heaven.
My nesting instinct is still in high gear. Saturday I attacked the closet in the playroom, which was like a scene out of a movie... you know when stuff is piled to the top of the ceiling of a closet, well I HAD it organized, but as the boys took stuff out, and "put it back" it got a little out of control. I had a closet organizer that I had never opened, so I set it up and got rid of anything the boys didn't use, consolidated everything else and two hours and one trash bag later I felt utterly satisfied.
We have quite a few things going on this week, which means I will be missing nap times with Brody. Our two weeks of not running around like crazy are over. In some ways I am happy because I know time will go by much faster, but on the other hand I have begun to enjoy the laid back life of this time. We won't be getting another break until... well I'll get back to you on that, but my estimate is July. (The spring is arguably our busiest time.)
Story Times, auditions, dr appointments (which for the next 6 weeks are every two weeks for me), setting up baby stuff, a school project, a pot luck dinner, trip to the museum and superbowl festivities are all on the agenda for this week. Did I mention Brody was awake at 530 this morning and we're supposed to get two snow storms just for some added excitement?
Wish me luck.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Brody's Favorite Story

I think I read this book a minimum of 50 times a day. I wish I was exaggerating. He has a new favorite page every day, and today it was the dog part.

How to Enjoy a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

First make sure you really get in there to fully enjoy the taste.
Don't be afraid to get a little messy.

Throw your hands up in excitement when it tastes THAT good.

Sometimes taking small bites helps to savior the sandwich.

And sometimes it's the big bites that work best.

If all else fails, you can resort to shoving it in anyway it fits.

Again, remember to throw your hands up in appreciation of the chef.

What other response would YOU have chosen when asked "Is it good?"

Cute looks will always get you more.

But if you are not that hungry anymore, you can always find the nearest hiding place and shove the rest of your food in there.

If you get caught, just make sure you have a cute look to get you out of trouble.

Have a nice big stretch when you are done.

And then make sure you let everyone know you are finished.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sledding Videos and Pictures

Today, with a fresh coat of snow covering the ground, we decided to trek out into the storm and relieve some cabin fever. We took the boys sledding and had a great time. Here are a few videos and pictures.

Nate Sledding

Nathan Pulling Brody

Ty Sledding

Ty and Nate Sledding

Nathan and Brody Sledding

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Keira's Paintings

I finally waited out sales and got canvases at 80% off (yes I actually waited for a sale to buy them) and painted the pictures for Keira's nursery. I've had the idea for a while, and am so happy to have finished. I didn't want them to look polished or perfect. I wanted a raw, almost shabby chic look to them. I am happy with the end result. Here they are:

Sleep Deprived

I am cranky. I need sleep. Brody was awake until 2am and Nate woke up right around then running to the bathroom to throw up (and thankfully he has decent aim, because so I was told, it was a lot, but most went in the toilet). Nathan handled Nate while I attempted to get Brody back to sleep. I can function normally with one bad night's sleep, even two I can handle, but when it gets to three or four or five nights with barely four hours of sleep, I just break down. I would gladly pass my children off to someone and beg that person to watch them so I could sleep for a few hours, but since they are sick, that option is off the table. I can only hope that Brody takes a long nap today and the kids will sit quietly for a movie so I can take a pseudo nap with him. Nathan is working all day, so if you were wondering why he couldn't just watch them for me, that is your answer. My problem is, when Brody sleeps, I am either getting my second wind, and can't shut down enough to sleep, or feel guilty because there are too many things I want to get done around the house. I know I am complaining and whining, not the greatest blog entry ever, or most fun to read, but this is just how I feel at the moment. I am irritable and can't take it out on anyone, so I'm writing it and getting it out this way. On another note of things that annoy me, there are so many things I want to do, and I can't bend over normally anymore. This bothers me more than you can know. I miss bending. Yes, I am even complaining about being pregnant. I don't do well in the last trimester. Here is the brutal honesty. I feel claustrophobic, and I know that is a funny way to describe it, but I do. When my ribs and hip bones are being simultaniously jabbed it makes me realize just how much my body has been taken over and it makes me anxious and claustrophobic. In the beginning of the pregnancy, and really up to this point, I would tell you I am very done being pregnant, but could wait for the baby because I know how much more hectic my life will be, but at this point all that has flown out the window. I will gladly take on the craziness of adding the baby for my body and sanity back. Again, I apologize for my attitude. I am not one of those people who delight in pregnancy. The 2nd trimester is about the only time I enjoy it, so for those three months, you will get a happier Nicole. I still believe pregnancy is amazing, and I always think it is so cool that my body creates another life. I like knowing what is happening inside me, but trying to live an already fast paced life and having a globe sticking out from your middle, well it's not such an easy thing... not to mention the tiredness, nausea, aches and pains. And yes, obviously the end result is worth it all, but for now, give me moment to just be fed up.
Hopefully after a nap I will wake up on the right side of the bed.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

One of the Worst Days to Be a Mom

I am sick. I am can't-stay-too-far-away-from-the-bathroom sick. I briefly considered curling up on the bathroom floor last night to sleep, but quickly decided that was not a good idea because my bathroom is the coldest room in my house. I then considered sleeping in the playroom because at least it was across from the bathroom, but again decided against it because the comfort of my bed was worth going up and down the stairs all night. Not getting sleep when it is all your body wants and needs is hard. Not being able to rest during the day is even harder. If it were just the older boys, I would not have hard of a time today. Unfortunately lying on the couch is not feasible with a 14 month old. I napped when Brody napped today, but I woke up sick. Wonderful. Nate hung out and watched a movie while we napped on the couch. He also helped and got me water when I just couldn't get up. With the help I did have from him, and my brief nap I do feel lucky, but nothing, and I mean nothing can take the place of childless illness rehabilitation. I can only dream about those days when I was sick and could stay in bed all day... not have to feed little mouths or change diapers or function period. I miss the days when I could turn off the phone, the lights, shut the curtains and do what my body is telling me to do... sleep it off. For all you non parent people reading this, these are the little things to cherish, to not take advantage of. You should know what a ridiculously glorious freedom it is to be sick without children. Days like today make me want to wave the white flag, or hold my hands up, forming the big 'T' for a timeout. As the day winds down, and I am reluctantly thinking of what I can make the kids for dinner (that in turn will not make me run to my savior of the past 24 hours, the porcelain god,) I am at least comforted by the fact that in less than three hours, Brody will be fast asleep and I can crawl into bed, and hand over the reigns to Nathan. Single moms, more credit to you on your sick days. As for now, I must go, because I think my stomach is lurching yet again.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Current Happenings


Here is what has been going on in our little world lately, for all those inquiring minds...

Last week was one of our busiest. Ty went back to school, and getting in the routine again is always a bit difficult, but he (and I) survived. Ty's workload has more than doubled now. He generally now has two math papers a night, one language arts, plus his reading log and any additional projects. Needless to say, lots of work for a second grader. He does well though, and his teacher gives the kids lots of incentives to earn "homework passes." Tyler has earned two in the past week. We are one week away from being done with The Tale of Despereaux, which we have enjoyed so much. We are reading the junior novelization, and it is perfect! I highly recommend it.
Nate started his storytime last Wednesday. This is his special time, and I'm so happy he has something like that to look forward to. Nate's storytime is almost an hour long and includes lots and lots of songs, a few stories, and a craft project. Last week he decorated mittens in honor of the story they read, "Three Little Kittens." He was so proud of his project.
Brody also has a storytime for his age group that is on Tuesdays. We unfortunately missed his first one last week. Brody had an audition for Lever soap, and despite us being one of the first ones there, we still waited 2 1/2 hours. This is not how auditions usually go, but since this was for a big campaign, people had travelled from all over to be there. When we left, the wait was almost 4 hours. He has another casting in another week. He will be starting his storytime today, and I know he will love it.
Friday I began my project of the week, getting everything ready in the nursery. All that really means, is going through the last two boxes (yes I am admitting I still had a couple of boxes) from our move, and clearing everything out so we are ready to set up the crib and bureau and other things for the baby. I am happy to say that I finished Sunday. I can't wait to get things ready (nesting kicking into high gear?) and I promise I will take pictures of the finished product. I have some decorative details I am really hoping to accomplish this week.
Friday night Nathan's older brother Jesse and his fiance, Brandie, flew in from San Fransisco. It is always great to see them. We definitely miss them a lot, and are always excited when they are back.
Saturday we celebrated Nathan's grandmother's 80th birthday. She was so surprised and there were so many people who travelled so far to celebrate the occasion. Nathan's mom, Sharon, did a phenomenal job decorating for the party. It was a snowflake/winter wonderland theme, and it was beautiful. I'm so happy we got to visit with the members of Nathan's family that we don't get to see too often, and most importantly, got to celebrate a woman who is well deserving.
Sunday we were snowed in for much of the day, but the kids and I trekked out in the new batch of fluffy snow and played for a VERY long time in it. Brody really enjoyed it this time, since he was in his sled and didn't have to try and maneuver his way around like a marshmellow trying to walk. The boys took turns pulling him in his sled and Brody was so happy to be included in everything with his big brothers.
We spent some more time with Jesse before he left to go back to San Fransisco last night. It is strange to think the next time he is home he will have a niece to meet.
Our schedule is jam packed in March (despite me telling everyone I can not guarantee anything for the month) and with February already short, plus a school vacation week and Nathan's mother's birthday, and January in my mind almost over (this is the most "down time" if you can even consider it that, that we'll have) I am slightly anxious over getting everything done in time. (Can you say nesting?)
I have made the decision to leave the hospital after a day. As much as I know the "break" would be great, as long as everything seems to be fine, I think I would much rather spend my time resting back home with everyone. My only exception to this is if I am lucky enough to have my stay during the weekend, in which case, since there are more people available to help out without missing work, I may consider staying the full two days. I will say this now, as I have been really thinking and planning a lot in the past few weeks, when I do come home, I am going to ask everyone to respect our privacy for a while and not stop by unannounced or even push for visits, or harass our phones. I know everyone means well, and I know you are all excited for the first girl, but despite the fact that we've done this quite a few times, adding yet another baby into our family is still an adjustment, and will be a big one for myself, Nathan, and all the boys. We will need our time to regroup as a family and fall into a routine. Same should be said about hospital visits. You know I love them , but I can't have a repeat of what happened with Brody. I ended up with freezing cold food and no time to myself to enjoy Brody. I am not saying I am not grateful for all of your good intentions, but when visitors come back to back to back, it is hard for me to feed the baby and have those private moments. All I ask is you call first, and please keep visits brief. I am not the kind of person that likes to ask people to leave, or say that now is not a good time, so this is in part why I am saying this now, and will again relay this when the time is closer. I really do appreciate you all respecting those wishes.
I hope everyone is doing well, and enjoying the new year!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

7 Months

I had the big deciding factor ultrasound today! (It was supposed to be next week, but I had to reschedule.) My appointment was at 10, and even though we left around 845, we were stuck in the worst of Boston traffic and didn't get there until 1030. It was very busy in the office. We didn't get seen until around 1130. Not fun. Everything looked great! The baby is still a girl (and yes after any ultrasound I will still say that, because it is still THAT hard for me to grasp.) We saw all the major organs, and everything was perfect. She had her hands and feet right up by her head the whole time, so yes it was hard to get a great picture. She also kept opening her mouth. Her head was down (although she can always move and change that.) And the best news of all... no c-section! The placenta has moved enough for me to deliver naturally. Yay!!!!
So here are the pictures, enjoy! This is probably the trickiest one to see. Her head is on the right, her mouth is open, and her foot is right above her mouth.
Most of these pictures, her mouth is open. In all of them, her head is on the right hand side of the picture. They are all profile pictures.

SPOILER ALERT!!! Cover your eyes if you do not want to see what she looks like! Her foot (which is looking a bit creepy) is covering half of her face, but I think she looks so much like Brody in this picture!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Things That Make Me Smile

It is easy to take for granted the little things on a day to day basis. I think it is important to stop every now and then and let your heart melt by those actions that can be so easily taken advantage of. The boys got lots of games for Christmas, and I love that Ty and Nate are old enough to play games with us... and not necessarily just "kid" games, but that we can have a family Uno night, or Monopoly or Operation (yes I know THAT one is a kid game, but still one of our favorites... same goes for Guess Who.) The routine has become, I put Brody to bed, and Nathan and the boys play games until I get down, and then we usually all play together. My favorite part though? When I come downstairs and peek in on their games. I love seeing Nathan have these special moments with the boys. He is so patient and I think he is genuinely having as much fun as the boys are. On the same note, Ty and Nate have begun to put down the video games (phew!) and have been having hour long (or longer) memory and go-fish matches. They are so good at playing together, and seeing them NOT arguing over something, and thinking, and just generally playing so quietly and well together, well needless to say it is not only fun to watch, but a RELIEF to have a break from all the noise.
Brody, my always willing helper, likes to find the dog's toys. It may be Liberty's rope, or her bone, or little stuffed animal (that she stole from Brody), but he finds them, and brings them to her, and is so gentle. He also likes to sit with her and he sort of does his version of cuddling with her.
Nate has really taken to me being pregnant this time around, and I think is getting very excited, now that he knows what to expect. He has informed me that he is going to gently brush "his baby's" hair and put pretend make-up on her. He also is making sure to let us know he will be calling her girly-girl.
Ty is reading chapter books now, and although he can read them on his own, I like to have one book going that we are reading together. Right now it is The Tale of Despereaux. Now, this started out as a book I was reading to all of them, but it is long, and Nate lost interest somewhere along the line, although he still plays quietly in the room when we are reading. I love seeing how excited Ty gets about this book (and I feel the same way) and hearing all of his insight and questions. I still have vivid memories of my mom reading Charlotte's Web to me, among other books, and I only hope he is going to be able to look back on the stories we read together with such great memories.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hello 2009...

I hope you all had great New Years celebrations. I baked cookies with the kids (and when I say baked, I mean I bought my new favorite, premade cookie dough called "Better Bakes" which are organic cookies and SO much better than regular ones. Try them!) and made dinner, Chicken fajitas. We ate early because I knew Brody would be going to bed early. When dinner was ready, Nate, who had been complaining all day of a stomach ache, was being particularly whiny and threw himself on the ground complaining again that his stomach hurt. I told him he had to eat something and it would make his belly feel better. It was at that moment that he started gagging and I asked if he felt like he was going to throw up, thinking to myself that maybe this was all an act to get out of eating so he could play longer, but within a few minutes I realized it wasn't. One more thing I'm thankful for as the kids get older is that they know to go to the toilet, aim, and usually hit the mark when it comes to throwing up. Poor Nate, Happy New Year buddy. We all relaxed together and played rapid fire Uno for the next 3 1/2 hours. Nate slept on the couch, his fever was quickly up to 101.2, so he had some medicine and pretty much fell fast asleep. After our tournament of Uno, we sent Ty to bed (it was almost 11 at this point) and Nathan carried Nate to bed and then Nathan and I curled up on the couch together. All in all a quiet, (sort of,) uneventful, (minus Nate being sick,) night. Best wishes to you all for the year ahead.
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