Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cabin Fever

That's it. I have cabin fever. Nate's storytime was cancelled today. I was issuing time-outs by 845 this morning, and was up at 615 with Brody. I have reread my blog entry from yesterday about ten times today to try and make me happy that I had such a good day yesterday.
I knew my luck had run out when last night I had (for the first time since I was at the end of my pregnancy with Nate) horrid heartburn. This has also continued into today.
I tried folding all of the laundry that has piled up the past three days (I am very particular in the way I fold clothes because I separate everything into piles of the drawers they will end up in... the older boys put them all away) and Brody climbed onto my bed and destroyed all of those piles. I refolded them... twice.
Can I please just take a break to say that doing dishes and folding clothes are the two worst chores in the world? Maybe it is because I run the dishwasher on average two times a day, so I never feel like I have a break, and easily do two loads of laundry a day, again, so I never feel caught up and like I get a break from it. Sweeping floors, washing floors? Cleaning walls, counters, organizing things? Those are non issues, and I can actually get satisfaction from doing them. Dishes and Laundry (not the act of putting things in the washer/dryer, but folding them and putting them away) those are my downfalls.
I am resentful of the snow and cold right now because I would love to go for a nice long walk.
Brody has decided that kissing me should really be attempting to bite my lip, and I mean bite down hard. I am scared when he tries to kiss me. Genuinely scared. he on the other hand giggles and squeals with laughter.
Last night Nate decorated Brody's hair with about 15 bright green stickers. Thankfully he didn't push down hard with the stickers so they were semi easy to get out. Brody looked like he was a love child from the club-kid days. I think James St. James would have been proud.
I am really tired right now and wanted to get in a quick entry. That's it.

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