Monday, April 20, 2009

Week One Is Done

I am alive. I made it through a week plus two days of being home. Hallelujah!!!
Today Nate stabbed Brody in the leg with his fork (it was a kids' plastic one, don't worry) because Brody had climbed on the table to hover by Nate's breakfast once he was done with his own.
The longest Keira has slept at night is three hours... one night.
Ty's Nana is flying in tomorrow and he will be staying with her for 5 days. I will miss him.
Brody is talking more and more every day, even if it is in words only a parent can understand.
It is supposed to be 80 on Saturday and I am determined to figure out a way to manage all of the kids at the park since the warm weather has finally arrived.
This is my last week of post baby "rest" before I start heading to the gym at night. (Again, please no warnings.. I'll be taking it easy.) I am looking forward to getting out and working off stress. "Looking forward to" is a severe understatement.
I have yet to plan Ty's bday party and am wondering if I'm a bad mom if I skip a "friend" party for this year. I feel guilty for even considering this. I also wonder if bribing him with Red Sox tickets can make him happy enough that he won't care.
I received a new double breast pump in the mail today, at no cost via my insurance, and it was a great early birthday present. I need to start pumping so I can bring bottles to baseball games, etc. because Ty would be mortified if I nursed Keira in public, even if I would be covered up.
Keira is looking less newborn-alien-like every day. Her hair is thinning a bit and getting lighter and lighter.
My tailbone is on fire constantly and I wonder if it will ever be the same again.

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