Friday, April 17, 2009

Day 8

I tried to get Brody and Keira to take a nap at the same time. They both screamed for an hour, then slept for only 45 minutes. It was 45 minutes of bliss.
I ran my first errand. It was torture.
After running that errand I came home, got out my *Hotslings* sling, that Brody was too big to fit into in a cradle position as an infant. Keira fit, she instantly fell asleep in it. I was made happy yet again.
I took the kids outside and let them play. Brody scraped both knees for the first time. He's a trooper. He is also covered from head to toe in dirt and I'm not even attempting to clean him until after dinner.
Nate and I planted our "butterfly garden", and I've explained about 50 times today that it does not grow butterflies, just plants that butterflies like to land on. I hope it actually grows.
Nathan came home and took over playing with the boys (and helping Ty get ready for his first baseball practice tomorrow afternoon.) I sat and relaxed and watched.
When Keira woke up I picked her up and was bouncing her up and down on my chest, playing with her, and she pooped, and it somehow sprayed out to the side and all over me. My shirt was sprayed with lots of baby poop.
I then decided it was time for me to come inside.
I am so looking forward to sleep.
Once again, to those that have dropped of meals and helped out with the kids in the evening... THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU... I hope I can repay you for all of your kindness and help. You have literally saved me this first week. I am beyond grateful.

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