Sunday, May 31, 2009

Weekend Pictures

This weekend was beautiful out. Saturday Ty had an 11 o'clock baseball game, and he did great (a single, double and home run.) Nathan, his dad and brother started laying the stones for our walkway/patio area and almost finished, but we ran out of stones (the last picture of the patio area is from Saturday.) The kids and I watched The Tale of Despereaux, which we had read this past fall together. It was a fun night. Today we woke up and I blasted music throughout the house (the kids and I chose some Queen, always a favorite, Guns N Roses, The Who, and Micheal Jackson... and Boom, Boom, Pow from The Black Eyed Peas which is their new favorite dance song) and did a big cleaning while Nathan, his dad and brother finished the patio/walkway, leveled the yard with all the loom they had dug up for the patio/walkway, built a new mini patio area for Liberty, filled the sandbox and transplanted my two rose trees and rose bush. It looks BEAUTIFUL!!! In the next couple of weeks we will be spraying the hydro seed in the front half of the yard, and once that is rooted we will do the back half. We will also be taking down the steps leading to the porch now and building a mini deck. It's strange to think Keira will not know anything different than that. The kids and I walked the lake today. If you notice in the pictures, even though Keira has VERY limited time in the sun, and I try and keep her covered at all times, she is much darker than the boys. She definitely inherited the Native American skin tone (Nathan's grandfather was 1/2 Native American.) I'm starting the gym tomorrow night and have a busy week of school celebrations, baseball and preparing for Keira's Christening this weekend. Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

The patio looks great!!! And Keira is just adorable too!

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