Monday, July 20, 2009

Thoughts of the Moment

Today was, well one of those days, but then again, many of them are these days. We woke up at 7 and started cleaning the house, un packing from our wonderful trip. Everyone felt a gazillion times better, and there was at least a gallon less snot pouring out of noses than in the days prior. Brody, however was the lone sickie, so since Keira had an appointment to go to the doctor's for a shot, I thought it best to get him seen just in case.
Well we went about our day and did as much as possible. Nathan and I are starting a "one room at a time" renovation. Meaning, we are picking a room, getting rid of as much as possible, re painting, repairing anything that needs it, etc. This means I am on top of the boys picking up their toys and deciding if they really want that 50 cent toy from two years ago.
We then left for the doctor, and I swear I have never seen the waiting room more filled. Yay for being exposed to new things at the doctor when every one's immune system is low. Oh well, I guess I can be grateful my kids and I have built up anti bodies to every seasonal illness around at this point.
Keira went first and smiled as she got her shot, winced for a second... I mean literally a second, and then smiled some more. THANK GOD. Brody was next, he weighed in at 25lbs, barely, but still gained that pound. His ears, chest, throat, all looked great. Even Brody's boogers have been significantly reduced today, but just to help get rid of this faster, his dr gave him some medicine for sinusitis.
I should also add in (I can't believe I forgot this) that Brody came up to me, pulled my hand into the bathroom, pulled his pants down, motioned for me to put him on the potty, and peed! Holy cow! I was so happy!!! We made a big deal about it, and he was very proud of himself. I let him flush the toilet (something I may regret teaching him to do) and then as soon as I turned my back to open the door, he promptly stuck him hands in the toilet water and splashed them around a bit. Awesome.
After the doctor, we headed to the grocery store. Now here I will discuss some pet peeves, and some things that just make me laugh. First the complaints. To all the judgemental know it alls, stop staring. Yes, it sucks bringing all 4 kids shopping. No, my kids do not enjoy it. Yes, I only have two arms, and yes for some reason, grocery store aisles transform into kung fu arenas and slip and slides minus the water. So please, when one child is kicking the other one down the aisle, and Brody leans back while I am trying to discipline the older ones, and throws a carton of orange juice on the ground and it explodes everywhere, don't stare at me with a disapproving look. Get off your high horse. I challenge you to take my kids grocery shopping, because they would eat you alive. In fact, you don't even have to take them grocery shopping, you can come over for an hour. You'd be ruined by a pack of children.
Now to the old women (it is usually the old women, but not always) who say "God Bless you" to me in almost every aisle, to you I say thank you. Not only do I need all the blessings I can get, but your loving glances, and understanding nods, make me feel normal. Your generation tended to have larger families, and I know that YOU know my pain. Your random reassurances make me happy in a judgement filled store.
I guess I feel like parents, moms in particular, shouldn't judge. We should be bonded together by our ability and willingness to wake up at all hours, investigate poop to make sure it looks normal, our constantly dirty shirts, our wild imaginations to ease boredom pains. We know what it's like to not be able to shower and still look presentable. We have gone through all the emotional ups and downs of pregnancy, we know how to magically make boo boos go away. We know how to cook dinner, fix the toy that broke for the fiftieth time, write out the thank you cards that we may be a little behind on but we still are determined to finish, help with homework and nurse the baby all at the same time. We are in an elite club that should find strength in each other, not tear each other down. So please, the next time you see a mom who clearly has had enough and who's child is throwing a temper tantrum, say something nice, or funny... make her feel like her child is not the only one to ever do that. Don't stare. It just makes us feel worse.
We should feel a kinship to one another. An unspoken sisterhood.

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