Brody is no longer a paci-addict!!! Pacifiers, for those who don't know, are sneaky little devils that vanish into thin air. Then, when you have searched high and low and finally go out at midnight to buy more, you magically find 8,571 stashed in the oddest of places. I mean why would you check in the food processor or bread maker? And I can't believe you didn't think to look in the mailbox...
Anyway, we were down to three that disappeared and reappeared in turn, and then we were down to one and well, Brody bit a teeny tiny hole in it. Yup, a hole. When he was rapidly shaking his head saying "uh-uh" (no) to it, I realized the problem. But, as stated the other 8,569 are hibernating so we were stuck. He was without it all day yesterday, and didn't use it last night. He hasn't had it all day today either. I made a Babies R Us run today, and considered buying him a new package "just in case", you know in case his head suddenly does 360's and he levitates in his crib and projectile vomits at me because he wants his god damn paci. Like I said, I considered it, with good reason, but I held off, decided he's done fine for 24 hours, hasn't tried to steal Keira's, so let's not feed the habit. Yay Brody!!!
Keira had her 4 month check up yesterday. She weighed in at 14lbs 7 oz and 24 inches. She was in the 50th, or right around the 50th percentile for everything. The dr we saw (not her normal one) said she was almost as active as a 6 month old. No kidding. She said she would be surprised if she wasn't crawling by 6 months. Gee, thanks Lady. Keira drank her rotovirus vaccine with no problem, and didn't even flinch at her first shot, and cried for all of ten seconds after her second. Put it this way, she was smiling and cooing at the nurse who gave the shots before the lady left the room. Thank God this girl's tough!!!
Did great last night too! Woo-hoo Brody boy!!!
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