Friday, September 4, 2009


Would like to know how so many moms get to go out at night??? Is it not enough that my mom friends with older kids can go out, but now mom friends with babies too? Ok, not to throw a pity party, but I'm not ready to leave my babies for more than two hours or so for the first hmmm... 6 months or maybe year, and if I do, I am more concerned with the baby then having fun. But when oh when did it become easy for moms to go out sans baby? I now feel insecure that I am more attached to my babies than normal. Ugh.

2 comments: said...

I 'm there with you- and the nursing is a big part of it. It is really easy to go out for hours at a time if you don't have a baby to feed. That's why our mom's nights are so nice-babies are welcome :)

Nicole said...


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