Monday, October 5, 2009

Magic Man

Today was Nate's appointment for a second opinion, and good lord in heaven, Dr. Gary made my day. First of all, the office is right down the street from me, and although their other dentist isn't far, how can you compete with the convenience of a 2 minute car ride?
Second of all, he said that removing my 5 year old's 4 bottom teeth was a drastic measure, and in his words "unnecessary to say the least.
He went into a lot of reasons why he felt that way, and if you are really interested in all the medical info, send me a message and I'll gladly explain, but to not bore the rest of you I'll leave it at that.
I think I told Dr Gary a few times that he made my day, and maybe crossed the line at telling him I loved him, but dammit I was happy!
I told him I hoped the feeling was mutual because he was going to be seeing a lot of us in the 18 years to come.
Just to add some icing to the already sweetened cake, his office also has two orthodontists, so I won't have to make the 45 minute hike for that anymore.
And thus, a wonderful dentist/patient bond was made.

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