Sunday, February 21, 2010


School starts tomorrow. Happiness has filled my heart. I don't even care that my house is loud and the kids are going crazy because I know tomorrow, despite my insane weekly schedule, we will at least be back on a schedule at all. I got to take an ah-mazing two and a half hour nap with Keira this afternoon. Let me repeat. I got to take a TWO and A HALF HOUR nap this afternoon. I woke up and made a quick trip to the grocery store for some fresh veggies for homemade pizzas, which are currently cooking and filling my house with mouth watering scents. To top it all off, Nathan has okayed painting my living room wall tonight once the kids are in bed! I have only been asking to do this a few times a week for say, two years! I'm so happy I feel like breaking into hardcore hymns... Glory, Glory Hallelujah!
On a quick side note, my ever entertaining five year old has been singing "All the single ladies, all the single ladies... if you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it..." and ALL I can picture is the episode of GLEE which revolves around this song. Seriously. All I can think about.

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