Today was a great day. It was busy, but what day isn't for us at this point? I have been driving one of Nate's classmates to and from school, which although it doesn't sound more stressful while I type this out, goodness me there is a difference in the volume level in my car. I mean, like whoa. Nate was having a hard time getting going this morning, so having to leave early and make that extra pickup was a lot on us today. Once we were out and done though things ran smoothly. I dropped Brody off with my grandmother and headed to one of my oldest friend's house. She just had a baby (who was 5 weeks premature, so he is a teeny, tiny baby.) I got my baby fix in, and it was so nice catching up and meeting her son. He is a gorgeous bundle of perfection. Keira entertained herself by playing contently with my friend's dog. They bonded over a squeaky toy and a diaper. My house has been loud and crazy since the minute we came home today. The boys seem to be releasing all of their energy that has been stored the past few weeks. Couldn't have waited a day or two guys?
Here is a snip-it from a dinner conversation:
Ty: These carrots are sweeter than you, Nate.
Nate: Nuh-uh, Mommy, Ty says the carrots are sweeter than me, Is that true?
Me: Nate I've never tasted you, so I can't compare you and carrots.
Nate: Well I know I'd be better to eat than these carrots! I'm a sweet kid.
Normally by this time of night, what I call the crazy hour, I am frazzled and the threads are bare, but amidst the chaos tonight I stopped, and let it all really sink in. My kids may have come across as if someone had injected them with adrenaline, but I focused on each one of them for a moment and felt so grateful. Ty was alternating reading and playing basketball (wrap your head around that one), Nate was"helping" Keira run the length of the house back and forth, again and again, and Brody was alternating chasing after Nate and Keira, sitting in my lap, or playing basketball with Ty. Tonight instead of pleading with the kids to keep the noise level down a notch, or giving out warnings for running, I let myself enjoy them. Tonight I rejoiced in the madness and said a little thank you to God for giving me these four amazing souls to look after. These little, teeny, tiny babies that once lived within me. Time passes so quickly. So what's so wrong with a loud house? What's wrong with my son throwing a fit because he wants to drink maple syrup, it's funny, right? What's wrong with not being able to hear myself think? What's wrong with running and jumping and laughing so hard you are out of breath, all from teaching your sister to walk backwards? Nothing is wrong with it. In fact, everything is exactly right.
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