Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 33

Day 33. I am beyond grateful for the selflessness of friends who offer to watch my children at a moments notice.

Truth be told, the feelings of having to rely on friends, when in the past I was able to call Sharon and have her help me out, well they were difficult to say the least.

Nate performed in a Thanksgiving presentation with his class, and it was wonderful. He did such a fantastic job. I am grateful I was able to watch and not juggle Brody and Keira. Undivided attention is rare for me.

After school, and after the kids did their homework we headed to dinner to be with Nathan's whole family. It was hard being in the house without Sharon. She was such a lively, active participant in her family.

We stayed for a long time. It was way past the children's bedtimes, but it was okay. It was good to be together.

The next two days, I will not be posting. Days 34 and 35 will be left for mourning, and silence, for Sharon, and for all of the other men, women and children who have passed away due to, or are still battling every kind of cancer.
To the families of those who are battling, or have already lost loved ones to this disease, my thoughts are with you.

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