Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 74 (Farewell 2010)


What to say?

This year is manic depressive.  It has had such high highs and very low lows.

This year I would say I finally got into the groove of life with four busy children.  This year started off with many illnesses and with Keira being hospitalized with RSV.  This year, Keira learned to walk, and turned one.  Nathan turned 31, I turned 29, and Ty turned 9 (all within a month.)  This year we went on a vacation to North Conway together in February, and went snow tubing and outlet shopping.  This year Nate graduated pre-school and Ty finished 3rd grade.  This year I gave up meat for good and have not had a drop of soda.  This year I also have avoided aspartame like the plague.  This year I put my foot down (literally) and started running to reclaim my body after four kids.  I have found freedom in that, and an amazing outlet for myself.  This year we went to the beach... a LOT.  This year Brody got over his fear of water and dove in and became a little fish.  This year we had two pet fish die.  This year Nathan built a pond and a porch for our house.  This year we got a swingset.  This year My car got hit and I had an insurance nightmare to deal with.  This year NATHAN AND I GOT ENGAGED after seven and a half years, three babies and two miscarriages, and three apartments and one house.  This year I left Keira for the first time, and Brody for the third time ever overnight to travel to San Fransisco for Nathan's brother's wedding.  This year Nathan and I went away without kids during that trip for the first time in our entire relationship.  This year Keira started talking.  This year Brody made progress in his speech.  This year Brody had staples in his head.  This year Brody had surgery to remove his adenoids and get tubes put in his ears.  This year I fractured my ankle.  This year Nate turned 6 and Brody turned 3.  This year Nathan's mom, Sharon was diagnosed with cancer, that rapidly spread throughout her body, and lost her battle with the disease weeks after being diagnosed.  This year, Nathan had to bury his mother who was only 56 years old.  This year I have stopped to appreciate this life I have been given, and have stopped worrying about the little things.  This year I have auditioned for numerous films/tv shows/commercials.  This year I decided I would again pursue my own dreams and goals.  This year I have fallen in love with my children more every day and have  taken mental snapshots so I will never forget them, they way they are, just like this, in 2010. This year I have leaned on my friends and family, and have felt so loved and supported by them in times of great sadness.  This year I have laughed and wept.  This year has been tumultuous. This year has been a learning year.
And now I will say goodbye to you 2010.

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