Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 85

I don't normally talk finances here, but today my wallet screamed ouch.

I spent a record amount at the grocery store.

Ready for this?

Get ready...

Here it comes....


My jaw just about dropped to the ground.

I need to tell you that I am not an impulsive shopper by any means.  Every week and a half or so, sometimes two if I can squeak it out, I sit down, write a menu planner, write necessities we have run out of, and then any ingredients I do not already have for the dinner menu.
I am restrictive with snacks, and to be honest kind of cheap about it.  I for the most part, only make cookies, and those are generally the only sweets the kids have.  I buy things like apples, oranges, grapes and bananas for snacks, and lately wheat ritz-like crackers with cheese or peanut butter.
We are a no soda household, and the kids are limited to one glass of juice a day, but they usually don't have one.  They prefer water, with milk at lunch and dinner.  (We go through at least 4 gallons of milk a week.)
Granted I haven't shopped in almost two weeks, but today's bill was surprisingly high.  I feel like I blew 1/2 of my monthly budget in one week and that freaked me out.

I just so happened to have to do the household shopping for everyday things, cleaners, etc, so it just felt like a major money blow today, which generally gives me anxiety.  I don't like spending large amounts of money.  I know, it is really weird.  Not even for fun things like tvs or video games or clothes.  I get buyers remorse incredibly easy and get an overwhelming sense of fear and guilt.

On the other hand, I love a great deal.  So when my friend told me that a local gym that is only 10-/month added babysitting to the gym, I was stoked. It took me a week to mull it over and decide if I was going to commit, but today I took the plunge.  I figure it beats getting up at 530 to run in the cold, when I could get up and workout inside instead, or (gulp) bring the kids during the day and not wake up early at all.  Think of the freedom!!!

That basically sums up my day.  Money.

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