Monday, February 7, 2011

Days 108, 109, and 110.

I am pretty sure I am going to stop attempting to write a post each weekend day, because life just gets too crazy.  This catch up format is becoming the standard, and it may just be here to stay.

This weekend's (which includes Friday this time) bubbles:

  • We had a great time hanging out with friends.
  • Football.  The most enjoyed part of the superbowl by my kids was the trailers for movies.  Transformers to be specific.
  • Basketball.  Ty's team went up against the only undefeated team in their league and WON.  It was a nail-biter, and I won't admit to you that I was screaming while Keira was sleeping in my lap.  Thankfully I was surrounded by parents from football, and they know me and don't judge me.  The game was crazy.  People from the other two gyms were coming in to see the game and you could have closed your eyes and thought you were at a heated rivalry college basketball game by the screams and shouts.  It was that intense.
  • Thank goodness I am a girl who likes sports.
  • I had some really good workouts this weekend, and man oh man am I sore today.  And I love that feeling.
  • My kids are funny.
  • The snow has gone from 18 feet to 10 feet, thank you sun for melting some away.

That is really all I have to share.  The bubbles.  It was an overall good weekend.  It has made me look forward to spring like nobody's business!!!!

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