Monday, March 16, 2009

37 Week Update

Not too much to report as of now. I am 37 weeks and measuring around 39 1/2 weeks. Keira's head is still down. My ultrasound is a week from tomorrow, and I have my next doctor appointment a week from Wednesday. They will decide Wednesday if they want to induce me next week. I am very opposed to having pitocin, and if the decision is made that I should be induced next week, I am going to ask for them to first try stripping my membranes and see if I go on my own, and if not I will gladly head in to be induced the following week.
Or Keira could surprise us all and decide to come before next week, but I'm not counting on it.
Her heart rate did slow down a lot, it is usually in the upper 150's range, and today it was in the upper 120's as a base line. My NP said this usually happens towards the end when the baby is mature and ready to be born. We waited for her to be active, and her heart rate went right back up to where it normally is, just to make sure everything was ok. She said all signs point to her completely ready to make her entrance in the world and for her to be a big baby.
I promise to keep you updated on any news.
I will upload pics from my grandmother's 80th birthday brunch and the 37 week belly as soon as I get a chance.

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