Saturday, March 21, 2009

Nathan's Surprise 30th

Well I somehow pulled it off!!! Thank you to Matt for getting Nathan out of the house, and to Meryl for picking up balloons and helping me get the finishing touches set up. Nathan finally got the bracket to hang our new tv, and he enlisted his brother's help to move our old tv into our bedroom. I was upstairs folding laundry with Brody when I heard a huge crash and Nate crying. I thought for sure the new tv had fallen or something, but it turns out, as Nate was running into the kitchen and the door to our fridge fell off. Scary. This was at 530... you could say I was a bit panicky to say the least. Nathan said he'd go to Home Depot with Matt, who was supposed to be at the house around 6pm, and when he came back from "helping Matt" he'd fix the fridge. If it isn't one thing it's another, huh?
Nathan didn't leave until around 720 and I had to send a text message to everyone to not arrive until 8pm, and told Matt to have Nathan back by 9.
As soon as Nathan left I rushed around like a mad woman getting all the decorations set up and food out, and thankfully everything went really well.
Nathan was so surprised, which made me really happy. I made enough food to feed an army, but had so much left over that I froze two big casserole sized containers, which will come in handy the next few weeks when the baby comes.

Surprise!!!Opening presentsCake time
Watching him blow out the candles

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