Friday, March 20, 2009


I thought for sure I was going to go into labor last night. Around 930pm I started having really intense contractions every 10-12 minutes. They lasted ALL night. I didn't sleep much. But alas, this morning they slowed down just in time for me to start a busy day.
They may have been caused by me rearranging my bedroom yesterday. Yes, I moved the bed, hope chests, everything. No Nathan was not home and had no idea I was doing it. What can I say, nesting instincts kicking in yet again.
We woke up early and I took Ty to get his filling... he did great although was very upset with having half of his face numb. I then swung by my mom's house so Nate could use the bathroom and I could change Brody's diaper. I headed to IParty to get the last of Nathan's surprise 30th party decorations and went to the grocery store to buy the stuff to make all of the food for the party. It was such a fun visit to the grocery store... Ty complaining of his face being numb, Nate off the wall and covering his face in stickers, yes his eyes too, Brody was very cranky and kept trying to get all of the food. I bought a ginger ale and was so excited to have it when I got in the car and it exploded all over me. It was really fun.
I am now waiting for the cake to cool and have sent the older boys out to play. I just got Brody in for a nap and now am procrastinating before I start making mounds of food.
If I survive this night, I think I am in good shape. Will post pics soon.

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