Friday, May 8, 2009

Ty is EIGHT!

HOLY CRAP! I can not believe it has been eight YEARS since I had Ty. Actually exactly eight years ago I was pushing and crying and saying I couldn't push anymore and was begging my doctor to make him come out. (it is 8:33 am, I had Ty hat 8:41 am) Now when I say to him "My baby is eight" he rolls his eyes, laughs and says "you know you can't call me a baby anymore, especially in front of anyone" he then pauses "or TO anyone."
oops. He'll forgive me.
Thanks to a friend I was able to get Ty tickets to Tuesday night's Celtics Playoff game. Unfortunately I won't be able to go with him because Keira is still "attached." But Nathan and Ty will have tons of fun together, and lord knows he is probably much cooler than I am at this point on Ty's scale. Ty had a great game last night (even if it did last for over two hours) in which he got two singles and a triple. I should mention at this stage in baseball they only play 3 innings. He made a lot of great plays. Nathan and I get a kick out of listening to some of the other spectators whisper to each other about Ty and to "watch this kid hit" or "that kid makes unbelievable plays." We do not tell Ty about this however. I know every parent believes their child is the best, or is incredibly good. It fills you with a huge warm, fuzzy, sense of pride when you hear others talking about your child and confirming your inner most parental thoughts. Your "momma bear" or "papa bear" instincts if you will.
Yesterday was an overall great day. My routines are starting to settle in... the ones that are working that is. I woke up with Ty and Keira. Brody and Nate were still sleeping. After I got Ty off to school, Keira had her bath and we got dressed then got the boys up and dressed and ready to go. We dropped Nate off at school and got whole wheat bagels at Bagel World. We then headed to our friend's house. Brody played with her son who is just about his age, and we got to meet her daughter who was born a week after Keira. She is gorgeous and so tiny! Brody had so much fun playing, and it made me so happy to see him be able to have his own time with someone his own age and not have to live vicariously through his brothers.
We then headed back to pick Nate up from school, and discovered that he, along with many other of his classmates had colored their cheeks with markers. Fun.
We came home and I played with the boys and we waited for Ty to come home. When he did I got an early dinner ready and the boys played outside before we headed off to baseball. The rain held off, and although it ended up being a very long game, we had fun. The coach bought all the kids slushes at the concession stand afterwards for doing such a great job. When we got home, Nathan and I got the kids cleaned up and put them to bed, and we actually relaxed a bit. I even got to take a shower. It was just very nice to have a day that went smoothly for once.
Hopefully more days like that one follow!

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