Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Horrible, No Good, Really Bad Day

So today sucks. Yup. That sums it up about right.
I woke up at an ungodly early time, only to remember that there was no need to wake up early because the boys were all skipping school today to go to the dentist. (Yes, I remembered about a half hour after I had already been up, and at that point there was no point to going back to sleep.)
I ran a couple of errands before heading to the dentist. As mentioned before I like to make the dentist a fun experience for my kids, and they have always enjoyed it, so for the past few days I have been teaching Brody to say "AHH" and show me his teeth, and have been telling Nate about how they were going to take "pictures" (X-Rays) of his teeth and how we may even be able to tell when he would loose his first tooth.
When we arrived, they handed me the forms to fill out for Brody, which was fun because Keira was sitting in my lap while I was trying to fill them up and the girl just wanted the damn pen I was writing with. She would not give up, and looked at me like "Duh just give it to me woman! I can draw hearts and butterflies on the paper." Mid way through the 753 pages of paperwork, the dental hygienist came in and called for Nate, so in he went. Well 3.2 seconds later she came back and said "I think he'd like you with him."
In we went, leaving a paper trail along the way. We stood outside the room waving to Nate while he got his x rays done and telling him what a good job he was doing. We would have been shaking pom poms if we had them. And I was watching Nate get increasingly more stiff, and then I saw it. The tell tale quiver of the chin. Nate goes through these very distinct steps before he has an all out melt down. First he's quiet, then the jaw tightens, then the chin quivers, shortly after the eyes swell with tears, then WATCH OUT world!
Shit. We moved into the room, and in those 5 steps the eyes had filled. He became red faced, and started shaking. The kid had a full on PANIC attack. He was a broken record saying "I don't want to do this, I want to go home" over and over and OVER. Now Brody is watching with his eyes wide. Shit, shit, shit. Now the dentist is talking to me, showing me his xrays. His two bottom adult teeth are growing in the WRONG way. SHIT. And through the course of Nate shaking like a leaf, in hysterics, full on panic attack, Brody trying to run out of the room because he is thinking "You won't get me lady!" and Keira trying to get that damn pen and eating the papers I was trying to fill out that had questions like what my almost two year old's HOBBIES are (I wrote playing by the way), I am half hearing the dentist telling me that Nate can not be cleaned today, he is having anxiety (Ya think) and that his teeth are growing the wrong way, and he's have to be put under in the hospital to have his bottom FOUR teeth removed and try and correct the adult teeth and oh, they'll do the cleaning then, while he's asleep to make it easier.
Next thing I know I'm being ushered in to some new strange office I've never seen where a man whom I have never seen (they must keep this room cloaked in some invisible material so when you have to go there and see the secret man, you are still wondering where the hell the door popped out from so you sign the papers more easily) is handing me a brochure for the hospital and asking me if December 15th is ok. WAIT, hold the freaking train, because I have no clue what the hell just happened.
Next thing I know Brody is laying on top of me in the dentist chair, Ty is holding Keira in a teeny tiny chair in the corner, Nate is still hysterical, and they are trying to now count Brody's teeth. My head is still spinning with anesthesia and Nate and all the things that COULD happen, when they turn the tooth cleaner buzz-y thing and then Brody goes into meltdown mode and starting trying to get up, which turns into him slamming his head against my collarbone. THEN, (nope I'm not done yet) He tells me we have to watch the little string of tissue that everyone has attaching their top lip to their gums, but BRODY'S is tight and in between his two front teeth, which unless it moves, will keep his front teeth from coming together and I wanted to look at the dentist and say "Are you f-ing kidding me??? Does it look like my brain can hold anymore things to worry about... I mean do you realize I'm still dealing with a freaking flu pandemic on my brain????"
SO we left, and we got to the car and I cried. Wept, actually because on top of this horrific hour and a half of my life, Ty was teasing Nate because Nate was so scared and Nate was screaming back at him, and it had been 3 hours since I fed Keira and my boobs hurt (sorry dad) and I had just had enough.
I want to call it quits for the day and start over, and need to find another pediatric dentist to look at Nate so I can get a second opinion (and a babysitter to watch the others so I can really focus on what I am being told.)
I am beyond overwhelmed for the day, and have lost my ability to handle anything else today. Brody is now taking all of my tupperware out and throwing it on the floor in a devil like way (insert his evil laughter here) to get my attention, and my eyes are again filling with tears, so I'll end this post.

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