Wednesday, September 23, 2009

More Whining

I may have mentioned a time or two or three how busy we are, but unless you see me running in and out of my house carrying a carseat, a toddler, birthday gifts, extra diapers, snacks for the car, etc ALL DAY/EVENING, then I don't think you'd really get it. We have been to 4 birthday parties in less than a week, along with countless trips to other towns, football practice/games, basketball registration, preschool orientation, flu shot appointments, and oh yeah, for added fun, Brody has a double ear infection and bronchitis caused by his never ending allergies. (He is on medication.) Did I forget to mention Keira is teething up a storm, and has been randomly running fevers? (All my kids run fevers when they are teething.) Oh yeah, and my head feels like it's been hit with a hammer about a dozen times due to the ridiculous cold that is building up and will one day soon be let loose. Wait, I also forgot to mention that I am supposed to be planning Nate's birthday party for this weekend, and I have yet to get a final head count (one of my biggest pet peeves in the world.)
So here I sit, cranky, sleep deprived (Brody and Keira are taking turns being awake, and if I said I was getting 2 hours of sleep a night, I'd be making an understatement) waiting to take Ty to football practice, make dinner, prepare for Nate's first day of preschool tomorrow, and all I want to do is whine and cry because damnit I am freaking EXHAUSTED and would like this all to stop so I can climb in bed/on my couch/face plant on the nearest surface and PASS OUT.
Three times this past week I have completely forgotten to eat. I was doing dishes Sunday and had to sit on the floor until my head stopped spinning and my eyes could focus. This can not be healthy.
Not to whine and complain even more, but my dryer, in hopes of sending me over the edge, decided to stop working last weekend, and clothes are piling up at an alarming rate.
Pray for me.
I fear you may have to write to the warden at the nearest mental hospital if our lives don't slow down soon. You will find me in the padded room, mumbling about some list of things I forgot to do.

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