Friday, September 11, 2009


When getting a family photo, or just one of your child I have some tips... take them if you'd like. Here is what I have learned:
  • Feed your kids before you go. it does not matter what time of day, give the kid(s) some food. This ensures a full belly, and less of a chance of a meltdown. Pack some low-mid level sugar food that is not super messy (fruit is best) for the car ride. Say what you want, but sugar/sweet food = happy child. Bribery does wonders sometimes. Save some food for after the photo session, before/during the time when you look at the pictures.
  • If at all possible, make sure the child naps before the photo session. Trust me, a tired child is a cranky, uncooperative child.
  • BRING THE CLOTHES. You can clean your child, put them in nice, perfect clothes, but chances are, some time between leaving the house and getting the pictures taken, they will get SOMETHING on them. Wait until the last moment to get them dressed/cleaned. An extra change of clothes is always smart.
  • Bring wipes! For the above mentioned likeliness of an accident/ boogey nose, magic marker you never knew was in your car that your child has now used to draw hearts and stars and their name all over their face and arm... you know. Just bring them. 'Nuff said.
  • Bring a toy to make your child happy/keep them entertained when looking at the pictures. You don't want to have a child having a meltdown when you are deciding which picture to spend $87 on, so you rush and just say "I want that one", only to finally get it and realize one child is picking their nose while the other is giving quazimoto a run for his money with their expression. Make your kid happy at all costs.
  • Please for the love of God, make your family's wardrobe somewhat cohesive, so it doesn't look like you paid people off from the street to jump into the shot. I don't mean you all have to wear the same thing, but a nice color scheme, or general likeness to each other is a good thing. Also, try to avoid fad clothing at all costs.
We had our "family photo" taken at a new studio called Portrait Innovations in Saugus. If you are local, GO!!! For $9.95 you get an unbelievable deal. They cater to kids. The workers let the boys run around and play when they weren't taking a picture, and would bring them back to us when it was time for them. It is open and colorful. They did lots of poses, lots of pictures in general. In the end, they are big sellers, meaning they will keep trying to sell you on lots of photos, but we just had to keep saying no. The best part? The prints are ready 10-15 minutes after we placed the order. I highly recommend them!

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