Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Here We Go Again

For two days Brody has been not himself. Much more quiet, not eating much, and last night this all peaked with him becoming lethargic and laying on the floor, curling up to sleep... at 4 in the evening. I knew something was definitely going on. I called his doctor's office and we had to magically appear at 630 (I say magically because I had dropped Ty off at football at 530, but had to be "on call" in case it started raining hard, because then practice would be called, and even if it wasn't called, I had to be back to pick him up at 715.) Nathan was working late so thankfully my mom was able to help.
Brody's fever was 101 when we got there, and although he still had a lot of fluid in his ears, there was no pus, so they didn't think they were "infected." His throat is red, but the rapid strep test came back negative. Because he isn't congested or doesn't have a runny nose or cough, they ruled out the flu (I asked, and apparently kids that come in with the flu, in the dr's words, look like their faces have exploded with mucus and congestion.
So we have to watch him closely, and chances are he has a virus... just what we need! Another virus in our house. His fever got very high last night, and we were up most of the night because of it. I finally gave up and came downstairs because I couldn't go back to sleep.
Wish us luck... again! One of these days I swear, I will have a post that reports everyone has been healthy and I am no longer lacking sleep. Until that day though send us thoughts of health and happiness.

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