Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone is in the throws of a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. After I started a fire in my oven yesterday (I put my food, that had a layer of marshmallows on top, under the broiler and 30 seconds later, marshmallow flambe! I fixed it though, don't worry.) We spent most of the day at my mom's house with her sisters, their husbands, and my grandmother. We then stopped by Nathan's family's house for dessert. It was a wonderful day, with great food, and lots of fun. We even made it home by 6 o'clock last night. We decided it was early enough for a family movie night, and decided on Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Everyone got blankets and snuggled up on the couch with their bowls of popcorn, and it was so relaxing. Those little moments are ones I hope the kids don't quickly grow out of. I hope those are times they cherish, even as they grow.
On another note, my computer crashed a few days ago, so until we figure out what we are going to do, I am using my mom's old computer, and let's just say it's a bit old. It works though, and that is all that matter. Unfortunately this does mean no photos or videos will be uploaded for quite a while, and if you are trying to contact me via internet, please direct those emails to my actual email address ( ) and not to my facebook inbox, because apparently this computer does not want to me open that inbox. I have found out I get a lot more done without a computer, which kind of feels good. It's freeing in more ways than I can say.
Today Nathan has to work, and the kids and I have plans to decorate the house. We're not doing this because I am anxious for Christmas to come, but because honestly, this is our only sports/party/event free weekend, so we're making the most of it. The kids are very excited, and I have promised cookies, and lots of music.
I'm going to cut this short because Keira is now cruising out of my reach and I hear the pitter patter of little feet coming down the stairs, waking up for the morning.
I hope everyone is able to enjoy some time with the people they love!

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