Monday, November 23, 2009

New Day

This morning I am a new woman. I am rejuvenated by a night out with my best friend. Now normally I can't keep my eyes open past nine, but I sucked it up, drank an extra can of diet coke, and headed out to the movies for a 9:30 show. We went to see New Moon, and I had two whole hours of "adult time". I would say quiet time, except anyone who has ever gone to a movie with me and Kerrie, know that we are anything but quiet. Separately, I'm sure we'd make decent movie companions, but together... let's just say we keep an ongoing dialogue, most of which people would be appalled to listen to. Of course last night's dialogue revolved around a 17 year old boy who remained shirtless for 95% of the film.
It is amazing how refreshed I feel this morning though. I feel like a HUMAN again. I didn't walk in the door until close to midnight, and yet when Keira started rubbing my face to let me know she was ready to get up at, oh 5am or so, I got right up without even trying to convince her it was too early. Yes, ladies and gentlemen two hours at the movies did ALL THAT. It has been around ten months since I last went out at night without any children. Maybe that explains my excitement. Oh, and trust me, I was checking my phone every three minutes convinced a text message was coming, telling me Keira was screaming her head off and trying to claw off Nathan's face, but nope, no text came. In fact, Keira woke up an hour after I left and went right back to sleep on Nathan's chest. When I came home and saw her cuddled up on him, my heart could have melted right then and there (in all fairness it was already pretty sappy after watching Edward and shirtless Jacob for TWO HOURS... nope not letting that go.) I resisted every urge to ruin the moment and grab my camera.
So the world did not end when I left all the kids at home, and I have an extra pep in my step today. Thank you New Moon.

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