Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thanks For Your Patience

My head has been swirling with all of the things I could tell you about and say, and of course when I take the time to sit and write, my mind goes blank. Nothing comes to me, or what does come seems like such an overwhelming task that I refuse to cooperate. Sorry.
Ty's team played in the baby bowl on Sunday. Ty and I talked about the huge, gorgeous sun rise over Boston as we drove in, and it actually was fun. Do I think having to be in Boston at 630 in the morning is the fun part? No, BUT seeing all the boys so excited, and knowing what a big deal it was for them was exciting. I stupidly decided that holding Keira was the way to go since I didn't want to carry her car seat, and didn't know if the place would be "stroller friendly." We had to walk about 3/4 of a mile to the stadiums, and, well 5 hours, two games (only one of which I could sit for) and lots of sleeping baby weight, my arms shakily put Keira back in her car seat to head home. Ty's team won the first round and lost in the 2nd, but all of the kids got amazing medals with their names on them and shirts from the event, oh and a free hot dog.
Keira has learned to stand up in her crib, and pull herself up on anything within her reach.
I have been busy organizing for Brody's 2nd birthday party, made slightly more difficult because as of Sunday, when I was attempting to get things together for goodie bags, I still had 13 kids unaccounted for. See previous blog posts around the time of any of my kids parties for my feelings on this. So I will wait it out, and have to put them together the day before his party, which, you know, isn't much of an inconvenience. The funny part about this, is I tried to make it easier for people this time around. Usually I send out invitations in the mail, and people have to call to rsvp, but this time I did a simple evite, which you can easily reply to, and yet here I am, yet again. Do I realize how complain-y this sounds? Yes. Do I hold resentment against these non rsvp-ers? No. It's my own pet peeve, and I know this. But when you have four kids, and deal with this frustration at least 4 times a year, you'd probably have a pet peeve about it too. Moving on!
Nate has been having a wonderful time in school so far this year. He is getting very excited for kindergarten and I am amazed that time has gone by so quickly. Sometimes as parents we hit that point where we can not wait for school to come, can not wait to see our children in that environment, and yet, as it is now less than a year away, and I know now how rapidly they go from "all about mommy/daddy" to "all about friends", I am sad that this time has flew by. I look forward to seeing Nate grow and mature and become the distinctly individual person, man he will be, but I am also mourning the baby boy he still is. I don't think you realize how precious those years are before "school age" begins, until you are already there. Your whole relationship dynamic changes with your child, and instead of being their everything, you become a whole slew of things, and their world splits in two, school and home. Remember back to when you were in school? You just pray and hope that your child is kind and respectful, and in turn hope that he/she is well liked. Trust me, there will come a day you want to will want to fight a 7 year old for calling your child a hot air balloon, not because it was a bad thing to call them, but because it felt bad to your child and made them cry to you. I have met many children along the way that I have felt this way about, or at least wanted to call them something back, or tell their parents that they should teach their kids to be nice. None of this would mean anything though, because what is important is that you are there for your child when it happens, and that you teach them the right way to deal with things, like dumb little booger faced children. (Without really calling them that.)

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