Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Here and Now

I hope everyone is doing better than we are, and has finished up their holiday shopping, and has a sense of peace. I on the other hand still have about a third of the shopping to do, and have a general feeling of anxiety. Ah, tis the season, after all!
On the brighter, more day to day side of life, Nate is getting better about waking up in the morning for school, and has been so helpful (when he's not on a crazy, too much energy induced state) and that has been an enormous help.
I have re decorated the tree about 25 times per day since putting it up. I am on constant Brody-watch because those darn ornaments are apparently too fantastic to pass up. I can not be mad because his eyes light up and he screams "Santa!" or "tanta" in Brody speak, and his excitement is infectious. Think Buddy the Elf level of excitement. Brody also has decided to potty train himself (we have been telling him this was his last package of diapers, and that Santa is bringing him a potty and big boy undies.) He has however, refused to wear a diaper, or has been running into the bathroom every 2 minutes to pull down his diaper and pants and try to go potty. Can't ask for anything better than that! Both Ty and Nate were fully trained by the time they were 3, (Ty just around 3, Nate 2 1/2) so we are on the right track!
Keira has started waving "hi" (I will get it on video very soon) and it melts my heart! She gets very shy around others, and likes to bury her head into me, but when she peeks back out, her little hand opens and closes in the most adorable effort to communicate. I can not even fathom that in four short months she will be a year old. It blows my mind.
Ty got his first graded report card. He did alright, mostly B's, one A+, and two not so hot C's. On the other hand, he got mostly excellents with a few goods in effort, which is what matters most to me. Parent teacher conferences tomorrow. His basketball team was leading their entire game this past Sunday, and in the last period the other team tied it up and the game went into overtime. Unfortunately they lost by 5 points in overtime, but it is a far cry than the past two games.
I will try and update more soon! Happy Holiday Season!!!

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