Sunday, January 31, 2010

Current Happenings

I realize it's been a while since I have just done some old fashioned updating, so here we go! (In birth order)

  • Ty is finishing up the regular season of basketball. They FINALLY won their first game last week (SO exciting! Ty got 2 baskets, and did great all game.) We are looking forward to today's game. He has finished reading his newest book for his book report (Old Mother West Wind) which filled my heart with joy. Why? Well it is written by my great great grandfather, Thornton W. Burgess. There's a lot of links in there (well three.) His project for this book report is to have one character write a letter to another character and put it in a bottle. A message in a bottle book report is what it is called. He is really excited about this report, and I know it makes him so proud to have such strong family ties to the author.
  • Nate has been LOVING his school's theme this week, Dinosaurs. For week now Nate has decided he will be a paleontologist. He is definitely my little scientist. In school they made volcanoes and got to bring them home. We have been making that thing explode every day since. I will upload a video in the near future of this fun, messy experience. Nate has really surprised us with his skills in building models and constructing the most detailed, cool structures. I get to sign him up for kindergarten in a couple of weeks. Words can not describe what an amazing feeling it is for this moment to come, when when he was first born and we didn't know if he would ever get the chance. Each one of these milestones with Nate is extremely emotional for us, that we do not take for granted.
  • Brody is recovering from yet another double ear infection and goes in this week to meet with an ENT. It breaks my heart to hear him tell me his ears hurt every day. I will be so happy when this phase of his life is over (the bad ear phase) and he is no longer in constant pain. We went out to eat Friday night (this is blog worthy because we not only never order food in, but I can count on one hand the times we have gone out to eat in the past 5 years. I'm not being dramatic, we just don't do it. Times are tough people!) Brody was so excited. In fact he told everyone we saw yesterday "eat out dada mama" which translates into dada and mama took me out to eat. He was so well behaved (they all were) and so grateful. He said "welcome" (he can't say thank you) to everyone (us, the servers, food runners, etc) and it made me feel like I was doing something right!
  • Keira is fully recovered (knock on wood) from our new year's fiasco. She is back to eating real food again, and I am trying to give her, within reason, everything we are eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner. She is standing on her own, and walking (assisted with a finger or two to hold on to.) She can say "uh oh" (my personal favorite), baby (ba-bah), dada, mama, doggie (daga), hi (ha), she blows kisses, waves hi and bye, and tells us she's hungry by signing, tells us she wants more of something by signing more, and tells us she's all done by signing done. I can not believe she will be one so soon. Man oh man where has the time gone so quickly?
P.S. Updated the music player.

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