Monday, September 13, 2010

An Ankle Is a Terrible Thing To Waste

Hello, my name is Nicole. I am 29 years old and I fractured my ankle.
How does a 29 year old do such a thing? Well if you are me, you do it by doing absolutely nothing. One minute I was grabbing some socks so I could go for a run, the next I was on the floor rolling, unable to speak from excruciating pain. As I was rolling and writhing in pain (this went on for a good fifteen minutes) Brody and Keira took turns standing over me, staring, wide eyed and open mouthed. No complete words came out of my mouth, and if they did they were completely unintelligible.
When I was finally able to see beyond the stars and fog that were clouding my vision, I crawled over to get my phone and told Nathan. I assured him I probably just sprained it badly, and after a few minuted I'd feel better. I then called my mom and told her the same thing. After I hung up the phone, I stupidly attempted to be wonder woman and walk on it, during which time I was convinced I would never walk again, or run again, and that meant I would be a bitter, depressed, fat mother of four, who could never play sports in the yard with her children, or go for bike rides, or go hiking.
I know. Super self absorbed, but it is the honest to god truth of what I was thinking. I then called my mom back and asked her to take me to the hospital and if it wasn't too much to ask, find a way to keep Brody and Keira entertained for a bit.
I begged the nurses and doctors to get me out as quickly as possible, because this of course was happening at a time when I already feel so busy that my head may spin off at any given moment. I threatened them with taking over my schedule if they did not fix me and do it fast.
An x-ray and a doctor later I found out ligaments in my ankle pulled off the bone, and when they did this, pieces of bone got pulled off with them. This is known as an avulsion fracture. Now because I can not do anything normally, and I need to spice things up, my inner ankle fractured a larger chuck of bone and it is sitting right on top of my joint. What does this mean? Hopefully nothing. What could this mean? If this fragment moves at all, it would be into my joint which will cause very bad pain. It would have to be removed surgically.
Until then I am on crutches until I can put weight on my foot, a bandage and an air cast. In four weeks I will go back to my Orthopedic Dr and reevaluate, (new x-ray, etc) at which time we will decide what to do next.
I need to say folks, this past weekend was soccer and football debut weekend. It was also a weekend of two birthday parties, and gig via the kids' agency, and general chaos on top of all of that. I could not have done any of it without the help of my family. Nathan stepped up to the plate in a big way, my mom had a previously scheduled play date with Keira, but she also kept Ty for the day Saturday. Nathans mom took Brody and Nate saturday afternoon through sunday afternoon. I was able to basically keep my foot elevated, and let my pain medicine take effect, and trust me I needed it.
I have had so many dear friends offer their help to me, and I want to thank you all. Many of you have asked what I have needed, and I think meals are going to be the most helpful. Nathan did some basic grocery shopping for me, and his sister is going for me later this week. Football parents have generously offered to help with pick up/drop off for Ty. (Oh, because I forget to mention this is my right ankle and I can not drive.)
Anything that keeps me off my feet longer is helpful.
So thank you to those that have reached out, for those who have helped. I feel so completely blessed to have your support.
I am a control freak and like to micro manage everything. This is very difficult for me. I feel frustrated and stressed out. I am literally getting by with a little help from my family and friends.
I know this is only temporary and this too shall pass, but at the moment, it seems permanent and debilitating. I will get through it, but it will be tough.
I am keeping my fingers crossed for the best, and am willing that bone fragment to stay in place.
Until then, who has some fun ideas to make crutches cool?
And don't forget to enter to win a three pack of BrytonPicks for you and/or your family! They are amazing!

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