Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 28 ~ Happy Birthday Brody Post

Day 28, look at how Brody has grown and changed every year!

My dear, sweet Brody boy,

I can not believe you are three today. Three whole years since you came into this world. It is astounding. You are the kindest, most loving child in this world. It seems you have a heart that is capable of more than any one I have ever met.
You love unconditionally, and you are always so giving. That is a big statement about a three year old. You love your family so much, and are so happy just being around us. You are funny, and your laugh is infectious.
Brody you have had quite a year. Some parts were rough, with your numerous illnesses and your surgery, and having to get staples in your head. Through all of that though, you smiled.
You have made so much progress this year. You have grown, and have advanced leaps and bounds with speaking. You have worked so hard, and words can not express just how proud of you, I am.
Brody you are such a vital part of this family. I hope you always know that. I know with so many children, it can be hard to have your voice heard and to stand out. I try my very best to make sure you all feel special individually, but I know sometimes it must be tough. I want you to know I have a very special place (a place that is very large) in my heart just for you. You, my baby boy, have made my life feel complete. I wish I could explain just how amazing I think you are, but I don't think words could do the feeling justice.
I can not wait to see what this next year will hold for you. I know you will grow and change, but I also know you will retain that inner sweetness that makes you you.
Brody, you may be turning three today, but you are and will always be my baby boy.
I hope you feel special and loved and happy throughout your life.
I love you with all of my heart, my sweet Brody boy.

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