Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 27

I managed to squeak in some time to actually post on the right day.

Start playing the lottery folks!

Okay, so the day is far from over, BUT

I am about to finish yard work, and do a whole lot of baking for my big boy Brody's 3rd birthday tomorrow (try saying that 10 times fast!)

So I won't have time to write later. But I am writing now, so that is a compromise right?

I need to share one of the recipes I'll be making for our family tomorrow. I am in love with this recipe, and with the Cookbook Queen's whole blog actually.

She thinks the same way I do, and she's funny. These days, I need a whole lot of funny.

I think you may love her too.

She also gave me lots of ideas on how to make good use out of leftover holiday candy.

So here is the recipe I am making (chocolate chip cookie cheesecake bars) or just trust me and visit her blog and join the cool club. Everybody's doing it.

I double dog dare you.

I'll be back tomorrow for Brody's Birthday post. He's turning THREE. What kind of crazy time warp world are we living in???



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