Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 42 ~ Thanksgiving number two

This morning the kids and I decorated cookies.

We had lots of fun, and made a horrific mess. In fact, now at almost 8pm, my kitchen table is still smudged with minty green frosting.

But that's okay.

The dishes are done, and the floors are swept, and the toys are put away. So what if there is a little leftover frosting smudges into the table? I'll get to it soon.

Nathan is working all weekend, so unfortunately he missed out on Thanksgiving with my family. We went to my mom's, and ate great food, and the kids had a blast playing.

But what I really want to tell you about is something else my mom did that was very touching.

My mom purchased a great big ol' bunch of balloons, and each child (and she and I) picked out a balloon and wrote a message to send to Heaven.

The kids wrote really nice, thoughtful things, and when we were all done writing, we went outside and we released our balloons and watched them go up to Heaven, to deliver our messages.

This is a tradition my mom want to continue every year, to have the kids remember those loved ones and have a way of communicating with them always.

It was touching, and I hope to get you some photos soon.

I am grateful for my mom, who wants my children to always keep their Nana in their hearts, and wants them to continue to have a relationship with her.

Thank you for that mom.

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