Monday, December 20, 2010

When Life Gets Tough, Just Dance

As I stated in my last post, it has been an emotional few days for me, so when I got a call from one of my oldest, dearest friends, Kristina, last night, asking me if Keira and I wanted to come to her house for a "girl's night dance party" we jumped at the chance.
I was mid way through cutting up the homemade pizza (pizza that Brody and Keira sprinkled all the cheese on themselves!), and I had already folded five loads of laundry and gone through a nail biter of a basketball game, (Ty's team won by one point, and Ty fouled out of the game with one minute left!) and basketball pictures (just what I want to spend money on the week before Christmas), and a week and a half's worth of grocery shopping, and putting away of said groceries (which also means batting away children who can't control themselves and are suddenly transformed into ravenous wolves when new boxes of snacks arrive), and cleaned the house, and put about twenty ornaments back on the tree that those sneaky kiddos love to take down, and made breakfast and lunch and, and and and and... you get the idea.  I had not stopped a once!  SO when that call from the Kristina who makes me sign up for races and then doesn't run with me, (who from now on shall be called Kristina who saves me from a busy day with a dance party) came I let Keira finish eating her pizza and then handed over the reigns to Nathan for some boy time and Keira and I dashed like mad out the door for some much needed girl time, fun and laughs.

And then we danced.

And danced.

And danced.

And I didn't feel bad that I was too busy to go for a run yesterday, because I was working up a sweat and having more fun that I have had in a while.

Keira was having fun too.  She watched everything Kristina's daughter Savannah did, and tried to copy it exactly.

I love moments like last night.  I love the unplanned fun that jumped into our laps, the girl time that I got to share with Keira, the laughs that came from the ridiculous dance moves, the pajama pants and tee shirts, the wine the adults got to have, and the fun Sav and Keira got to have with us.

It was needed.
It was perfect.

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