Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 98

Maybe the downer feeling I had yesterday was due to some little bug.  I woke up with a migraine that hasn't quit.  It is defiant and cruel, fighting ibuprofen.  But today had to be productive.  It had to.  With a week full of things scheduled in, and a major snow storm predicted to hit smack in the middle of the week, I just had no choice.  I bundled up the kids like little Eskimos, and layered myself as best as I could under my non winter jacket.
It is below zero here folks.  Not errand running weather.

But we did it.  We accomplished a crap load, and hopefully each day will get better and better.

Until then, enjoy Keira's yoga poses with me.

 and don't you worry about those goldfish on the ground... I cleaned them up.

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