Winnie the Pooh
Today was my 34 week appointment. I was flooded with new information, so I will try to get it all down. I am measuring around 36 weeks. Although this is larger than where I should be measuring, they do not consider it "too big" unless it is four weeks ahead of where you should be (for example if I was measuring at 38 weeks, they would do some more investigating.) My dr said that Keira is a "chunker" already. She has flipped back to being breech. Now although this would normally be a concern, my dr explained to me that because this is my fourth baby, my uterus is much softer than if it were my first baby, so she has a bit more flexibility to move. My dr believes she will more than likely keep flipping back and forth right to the end, if she can. My cervix has started to thin out and am almost, but not quite one centimeter yet. Because of Brody's large size, and all of the factors I have just gone through, she is sending me into Boston to get an ultrasound 3/24 at 1pm to measure the baby, get her weight, check the fluid, etc. If she is measuring the way my dr suspects she is, she will want me induced that week. So as of this week, it looks like I will be delivering the end of March... a very short 4 weeks away. If I dilate more by my next appointment, she does want me to be on as much bed rest as I can be for a week, to make it to 37 weeks. So there it is, I think.
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