Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Daily Dish

Brody had his evaluation with Early Intervention today. Three women came out to our house with a great big bag of toys, and for the next two hours, they played all kinds of games with Brody. He was so happy.
After discussing all of our concerns over the recent findings of his ear issues, and how that could correlate with his speech delay, and seeing (and hearing) first hand his frustration in trying to communicate and speak clearly, they are recommending he receive services for the next six months, and then reevaluate him.
Brody scored off the charts for his gross motor skills and cognitive development. He clearly understands everything, and is actually quite advanced in this area. They estimated him in the 30-34 month range for these two areas.
However, in Brody's expressive language development, he is testing between 16 and 17 months, meaning he is 6-7 months delayed.
This is actually right on the cusp for receiving services through Early Intervention, but because of all the ear issues and potential for hearing problems, and because the gap between his cognitive development and expressive language development is so huge, they know the frustration he must be experiencing is very great. This is why he will only be on a 6 month plan for now. We are hoping between his hearing test and some personalized help, we can work past this and move forward.
A mother should always trust her gut instincts, and the decision to seek out some help was one I knew had to be made. My poor little guy tries so hard to communicate with us, and you can see it in his eyes, that he just does not understand why we don't understand him. In the meantime, I am learning a lot more signs to try and relieve some of the pressure, and hopefully make the lines of communication a bit clearer.

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