Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Case of the Crazies

Hi. My name is Nicole and I am officially going a little crazy. I think this means that I can not be held accountable for my actions or words until I can be clinically diagnosed as sane once again. (See, this means this is a judgment free zone now.) Keira has still been throwing up, so she was back at the doctor's office today. She lost the weight she had regained since the hospital and is down to 16lbs 3 oz. The doc said we should expect her to lose more weight as long as this continues. On the bright side of things, separation anxiety seems to have left the building, and Keira is a pro and getting poked and prodded and bats her eyelashes at the nurses and doctors and waves hi and bye to them. She is really just such a sweet baby girl.
The pukey bug has gone through Brody, and tonight it struck Nate. Looking on the bright side of things (this is where I start to sound crazy) I am seeing this as one more anti body we all will have, and one less illness to potentially derail us this lovely year of 2010.
In other news the one lone non sickie (Nathan) suddenly had horrible pain in his ear, and went to the doc's and turns out he has a middle ear infection. Looks like no one is immune to this.
Ty is doing much better though... on the bright side.
That is as much of a depressing update as I can give (even with the bright side) so I'll switch gears a bit. I am a diet coke addict. Last week, right before New Years, it just so happened that I didn't have any soda for a day or two, then being in the hospital with Keira, again no soda. I have wanted to quit for a while, so I saw this as my opportunity, and low and behold I feel so much better without aspartame in my life. No more highs and lows (energy wise) and my body just feels better. After the lack of sleep going on, you'd think I'd be crashing constantly, but without soda, my body seems to regulate itself and I am actually okay. For those of you who don't know, I am not a coffee drinker, so I am caffeine free as well. Add to the mix that I can not have any dairy products (due to Keira being sick) and well by golly if I don't start dropping weight really fast without soda and cheese in my life, then something is wrong.
On the no cheese subject, I had plans to make pizzas with the kids for dinner last night, but when I realized pizza obviously contains cheese, I was a bit discouraged. I made it work though. I created this wheat pizza with fire roasted tomatoes (instead of sauce), mushrooms, and red and green peppers. I drizzled some olive oil over the top, and when I ate it, I put a touch of hot sauce on it. It was HEAVEN. All I could think when I was eating it though was that my child self would be appalled by my adult self enjoying this. I am however in desperate need of some new recipes (remember dairy free as much as possible... a splash of milk is okay) so please, share with me!
Also, as you can see, I have changed things up a bit on here... I'd love to hear what you think. Thanks for bearing with me during this hellish start to the new year, and my loss of sanity.

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