Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Who Needs a Vacation?

Keira's stool sample results came back today. She was positive for Clostridium Difficile Toxin A and B. Since Keira was not on antibiotics, which is usually the cause of this, it is the doctor's belief that she picked this up in the hospital, which is where unfortunately these kinds of bacteria are thriving. This is also most likely the cause of the horrible stomach cramping and pain and running to the bathroom that the boys have been going through the past few days. The bacteria is again, highly contagious.
How are we holding up? As I spoke to the nurse this morning as was going down the list child by child, I started laughing, because really what else can I do? It's not funny that my children are so sick, but it just seems so ridiculous, this string of bad luck I mean, that I feel like laughing about the event of it all is the only way to push through.
Although I will say one of the nurses who I again just had to repeat all the childrens symptoms to did not sound very happy when I laughed on the phone telling her everything. She must think I am crazy. I am now going to look out my window for the men in the clean white coats who are coming to take me away ha ha.. coming to take me away ho ho hee hee ha ha, to the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time...

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