Friday, April 9, 2010

Dear Keira (On Your First Birthday)

Happy Birthday Keira!
I can not believe a year has passed so quickly. It feels like I've blinked, and now here you are one year old! My sweet baby girl, you are everything I could have asked for and more. You can light up the room with your smile. Your very being exudes so much warmth and love that I swear it is tangible when anyone is around you. Your hugs are amazing, I mean amazing. You have a way of snuggling yourself right into the crook of a neck and just resting there, long enough to transfer your affection. When you think you've successfully done this you lift your head and stare into the object of your affection's eyes as if to make sure they understood your love.
Your favorite game of the moment is peek-a-boo. If you so much as hear the word "boo" you giggle with excitement and put your hands over your eyes, ready to play. You are so funny.
You love to explore, and you pay so much attention to the detail of things. You even like to play cars and trains with Brody, and make the vroom vroom sound so well (much to your brother's delight.)
Keira you have brought so much joy into my world. You are a gift. There is no doubt in my mind you are on this Earth for a grand purpose. I believe the term old soul applies to you. You have this knowledge and understanding that is written in your eyes.
You have done just what I had hoped for, and given your brothers a soft edge. I love seeing them interact with you, so careful. Although your Daddy had pushed for your middle name to be Baby (so he could always call you his baby), he doesn't call you that as much as he calls you his angel. I think that name is fitting.
I am ready to experience life with you. For me, this will be a new adventure. I am skilled in the art of zombie tag and know all of Thomas the Train's friends names. I know more than the average girl about sports (okay that part wasn't necessarily from raising boys.) I know wrestlers names, and how to build cool Lego models, but I have yet to enter girl-world in it's glory. I am so excited for what this year holds for you. I know this time next year I will be talking to you, and will have you answering back. This year you will grow leaps and bounds. Although I would love to keep you my little peanut forever, you will always be my baby.
Keira, my birthday wish for you is happiness. I wish for happiness throughout your life, in whatever you choose to do. You have the world at your fingertips. Your journey is not yet mapped, and I am so excited to see where your path, where the story of your life will lead you.
You have made an footprint on the hearts of all those that know you, and I know you will continue to do this and touch people's lives throughout your life. Keira, always stay true to yourself and pure at heart. Your magnetism will take you far in life, and like I said I wish happiness through all of it.
I could not begin to put down in words my love for you. There are no words, for the feeling is too deep and vast and layered and great.
Happy Birth-Day my sweet Keira!

Congratulations to Sarah for winning the petti-tutu giveaway!

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