Monday, May 10, 2010

Beauty in the Chaos

There are some friends that just get it. That is not a dig to the others. Okay, let me explain before I get furious emails. There are certain friends that compliment different areas. I think we can all agree on that? There are very few friends, who get it. I got a phone call today from one of my dearest friends who happens to live 3,000 miles away in the desert of steamy California. She and I became friends while working at a gym together. This was right after Tyler was born. We clicked instantly and were inseparable. Although I don't get to see her as often as I would like, or even talk to her as much as I want to (we are queens of playing phone tag), our conversations always pick up right where they left off and have a home-like feeling to them.
Today my kids have been chaotic and loud and are recovering from being sick, which means cooped up for too long. When Meg called, she patiently waited (and sometimes laughed, or offered what to say next) as my kids screamed, talked back, and whined. And do you know what my soul sister said? She said "Oh honey, I wish I could just take them for you for a bit... so you don't kill them."
Folks, there are just not many people, close friends included that have ever said that to me, and followed through with it. (Hey, can you blame anyone? I have FOUR kids!) But I'd bet my sanity and last dollar that if we lived close enough, she would have driven right over.
Only a true friend could say that, and actually mean it. She has a daughter of her own, and is always with kids, and she is level headed and calm, and has a way with children that is uncanny.
Instead I blocked out the noise and snuggled into the warmth of our friendship, and our too funny memories and recounting of our ephedrine induced year (okay or two..) and our really skinny, fit bodies, and our seemingly sleepless life of fun. Sometimes, amidst all the chaos in my day (and today was a doozie) the beauty of a friendship like ours just makes everything all better.
Thank you Meg!

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