Saturday, May 8, 2010

Dear Tyler

Dear Tyler,
Happy, Happy, Happy Birth Day!!!! I can not believe you are now nine years old. I can barely grasp my head around that. I mean this is your last year in single digits! Ty you are growing so much. You are no longer a little boy, but are growing into a wonderful man. You have taught me so much over these nine years. Sometimes I feel bad because I have learned to be a parent with you. I have a relationship with you that is like no other. Maybe that is because we are so much alike, or maybe it is because I really grew up with you.Tyler, you are funny, you are loving, you are kind, you are handsome, and smart. You surprise me on a daily basis with how sensitive you can be, and how mature you are. You are an amazing big brother, and even when you are really wanting some alone time, you still selflessly give yourself to play with them.
I love our mornings together, our special time. I love having our shows that we watch together, and hearing your opinions on everything. I look forward to those times with you. It warms my heart to listen to your teachers and classmates and coaches describe you, because Ty, you make such an impression on everyone. Your charisma and giving heart is such a strength for you, among many other things. You literally are great at everything you do. If you decide you want to do something, you do it, and you do it extremely well. The world is yours Ty. I think the MLB is going to open its doors wide to you bud. The Vacuum has a bright future.
Ty, I love you more than I could ever begin to say. I hope you always know how proud I am of you. You are loved by so many. I hope you have a wonderful ninth year.Love,

1 comment:

Sarah Bisher said...

Happy Birthday Tyler!

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