Friday, September 17, 2010


~ Give sorrow words. The grief that does not speak whispers the o'er-fraught heart, and bids it break. ~

William Shakespeare

There is a sense, maybe I should say a deep rooted instinct that sends off a sort of alarm right before your world gets turned upside down. This happens, I believe a lot of people feel it, in that calm before the storm. It seems to be these life altering events come upon us immediately following great joys. Is it maybe life's way of balancing things out? There would not be great moments of joy without great moments of sorrow.

This morning it is cold, dark, and rainy. Could the skies be reflecting the collective moods of myself and those around me? If it were bright and sunny, a perfect September day it would seem too unfair, like it were throwing the contrasting emotions back at us, to deal with alone.
No, this dreary day seems fitting and appropriate. Even if it last for a short while, it feels comforting, like the universe understands.

Yesterday we received solemn news that Nathan's mother is very ill. I will ask you all to send every positive thought and prayer her way. I do believe in the power this has.
I will also ask that you can send comforting thoughts to all around her, who call her a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a niece, a friend, and to all who care for her and love her. This is touching us all.

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