We are settling into a momentary "quiet" time here in our house. By quiet I mean, we have a two week break with sports (besides soccer, but that ends this week), we have two weeks before Brody's birthday, and this is the calm before the holiday storm.
I am still basically a single mom at the moment, with Nathan working non stop or at the hospital, or traveling to and from those and home. It has gotten somewhat easier. Okay that is a lie, it has just become more routine, so I am used to juggling it all alone.
Because of the tremendous stress he is under, I have waived his duties here on the home front. He gets a free pass for a while.
I did something yesterday that I have not done in a very long time. I didn't leave my house! Not once! Shocking, right?
I did some cleaning, but didn't go overboard. I played with the kids. I read a gazillion and one stories to the children.
I made one of their favorite meals, home made chicken nuggets (which is beyond easy, and so much healthier than those evil chain fast food places, or the store bought packaged ones.)
Today on the other hand has been a day of appointments and cleaning and organizing and errands. It all balances out, I guess.
But today, by 10 am I had already done 2 loads of laundry, the dishes, swept, mopped, cleaned the walls, counter tops, cabinets, doorknobs, I even went a little nuts and washed my couch!
I also filled out rebate stuff (which let's face it, is one of those things that is time consuming and always gets pushed back until you realize you just lost out on money and it is too late to do it.)
I just got home, and put groceries away, drooling over the thoughts of homemade minestrone soup that we'll have in a few days.
Oh and while out I stopped and voted... make sure you vote too!
I am now waiting for Ty and one of his friends to get here.
Tonight I am looking forward to a special date night with my godson for his birthday.
So for now I am caught up. Who wants to place bets on how quickly I can get behind again?
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