Today was a hot mess. But in a "I will laugh about this later" kind of way.
And you know what, by the afternoon, everything seemed so ridiculous to me that I was already laughing. It was one of those days.
I woke up with a residual wine headache. The kind that makes you want to pull the covers over your head, or the kind that makes you want to eat greasy food, even though you know you're going to throw it up.
(pretty mental picture, eh?)
The kids had no school, and there was close to another foot of snow on the ground. I tried to sleep in, I really did, but it was short lived when Nathan couldn't find his keys. He had moved our cars last night, for easier snow-blowing tactics, and my keys were safe inside the house, but his were no where to be found. We feared they were stuck under the massive amount of snow. We called AAA, to find it was at least a four hour wait. We called a local locksmith who said it would be a while. I decided to go outside and try one more time to look around. I had about the same odds as finding a needle in a haystack.
But then, under a pile of snow, I saw something black. So I dug a little deeper. And there, right there on the ground, under all that snow, were his keys.
I could not believe my luck.
Next up was a two hour trip to the dentist for the boys. They did great. Wonderful in fact. But two hours hopping between two rooms, trying to stop Brody from grabbing more prizes was a little rough. For the record, I gave up on the prize situation and let him dump a whole drawer of little bugs. I made him promise to clean it up before we had to leave, and thank the lord, he actually did.
The next hour was spent listening to the kids whine and cry about how they were starving and I was the meanest person ever because I wouldn't let them eat (per dentist's orders because they just had a cleaning.) Of course once told they can't eat, they suddenly become ravenous, blood thirsty children. I'm going to start telling them they're not allowed to clean. No more picking up toys, no more turning the lights off when leaving a room, no more bringing your dirty clothes down.
Think it will work?
The kids were anti snow this day. They said they were "tired of playing in the snow."
Any other day, they wouldn't dream of saying this. Come spring, you watch they will be dragging each other on their sleds around the yard again. But today, the snow was their enemy. Instead they basically self destructed.
Nate tattooed a dancing bear wearing a tutu on his forehead.
Brody stamped his face.
Keira colored all over her face and hands.
It was just kind of all downhill.
But like I said, it became one of those days where things seem so absurd that laughing is all you can do.
Otherwise you may go crazy.
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