Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 92

More snow.

I have been desperately searching through my internet and photo history to see when exactly the snow seems to disappear and we are back outside in t-shirts.

Not that I'm complaining.  I love the snow.  It's pretty and a fun break, and the kids really love it.

It's just, I think I mentioned before, being snowed in makes me want to bake and cook, which today meant butterscotch-chocolate chip cookies (just because), and for lunch a disgustingly good plate of tortilla chips with veggie chili and some, okay more than some, cheese sprinkle on top.

Also, I will never admit to you whether or not I ate the whole plate and lied to the kids to tell them it was spicy, so they wouldn't try to eat it.

I know.  I am a terrible person.

The other good thing about snow days is cuddling with my babies.  Keira was an ultra cuddler today.  She also thinks my ipod is a phone and likes to "talk" to me on it.

But the good news about my gluttony today is that I made a deal with Nathan last night.  I said I would stay up and have a glass of wine with him if instead of going to the gym at 5am, I would go tonight.  So as I ate my non fat lunch (which has made me so full I have yet to eat anything else today... except for one, okay, okay TWO cookies) I justified it with killing it at the gym tonight.

That was day 92.

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