Sunday, January 16, 2011

Days 88 and 89

Day 88 was filled.  Top to bottom filled up with chaos, but the good kind.

Day 88 started my very first morning running at the gym, instead of out in the freezing cold.  It was shockingly crowded.  My ipod loved me, and played all of my favorite songs in a row, and I just zoned out and ran.  It was glorious.

The rest of the day was filled running from here to there and everywhere in between.  It didn't bother me though.  The kids were back in school, our schedule resuming right where it left off.
That night Nathan and I popped open a big ol' bottle of wine and relaxed, playing some Kinect games and then watching some t.v.

I couldn't have asked for a more filled to the brim day.

Then at 3am on lovely day 89 I was woken with a terrible stomach bug.  Every hour, almost on the hour I was up.  I felt defeated.  Nathan headed to work a bit before 8am, and I made the couch my command base, and begged the kids not to declare war on the house.
Thankfully Nathan came home a bit earlier than planned, and he sent me right up to bed where I napped for a couple of hours.  I didn't even turn the t.v. on in my room when I went up to nap.  I just flopped on my belly and crashed.
My stomach was pretty upset all day, with real bad nausea coming in waves, but overall I felt a bit better by the evening.
What a contrast between day 88 and day 89.  One full of life and craziness, one wretched and miserable.

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